
Showing posts from April 1, 2012

Pneumonia - 4 Nursing Diagnosis with Interventions

Pneumonia is an illness that affects one or both lungs and that used to be one of the main causes of death 2 centuries ago. It is caused by microorganisms that attack the tissue from the lungs, causing it to inflammate and leading to a severe condition if the infection is not treated in time. Some pneumonia is diagnosed only after an examination by a doctor reveals crackling sounds or coarse breathing in the chest. There may also be breathlessness, wheezing or the breathing sounds may be diminished in certain parts of the chest. A chest x-ray is the definitive way to diagnose the pneumonia, however sputum samples, blood tests and bronchoscopies can typically be ordered as well. The sputum samples can determine what the exact cause of the pneumonia is and determine the course of medical treatment. The blood work can help to determine how serious the infection is and may also provide a clue as to whether it is caused by a virus, bacteria or fungi. Nursing Diagnosis for Pneumonia Impaire...

4 Nursing Diagnosis for CHF Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure is a condition or patophysiology when the heart as pump is no longer able to provide a good blood supply for the tissue metabolism. Congestive Heart Failure symptoms often ends up as a fatal condition, because patients with congestive heart failure are just like entering a no-way-out phase. Congestive Heart Failure is the only one disease where the morbidity and mortality increases, even some researches have done to know the patophysiology and the proper treatments. In fact, 50% of patients will die in 5 years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of congestive heart disease is 22 million at 2002. There are congestive heart failure symptoms : The cardinal signs are weakness and shortness of breath. Dyspneu d'effort: hard to breath (dyspnea) while having activities Orthopnea: dyspnea while lying Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea: an acute episode of heavy dyspnea, occurs at midnight or while sleeping...