Clinical Manifestations of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the joint pain caused by mild inflammation arising from friction ends of the bones making up the joint . Consists of primary osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease , and secondary osteoarthritis caused by trauma or injury tropism . In the joints , a cartilage tissue which is called by the name of cartilage usually closes the ends of the bones making up the joint . A layer of fluid called synovial fluid located between the bones and acts as a lubricant that prevents the ends of the bones rub against each other and scrape one another . On the condition of lack of synovial fluid cartilage layer that covers the ends of bones will rub against each other . The friction will make the layer gets thinner and eventually will cause pain . Clinical Manifestations of osteoarthritis , including: Pain in joints Is the primary image in osteoarthritis, the pain will increase when it is doing something phy...