Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) - Primary and Secondary Nursing Assessment
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) is a sudden loss of blood supply to an area of the heart, causing permanent heart damage or death. There are different types of AMI, classified by the location of the actual event in the heart (e.g., inferior wall vs. anterior wall) or the type of changes seen on an electrocardiogram (ST elevation or non-ST elevation). Primary Nursing Assessment Airways Blockage or accumulation of secretions Wheezing or crackles Breathing Shortness of breath with mild activity or rest Respiration more than 24 x / min, irregular rhythm shallow Ronchi, crackles The expansion of the chest is not full Use of auxiliary respiratory muscles Circulation Weak pulse, irregular Tachycardia Blood pressure increase / decrease Edema Nervous Acral cold Pale skin, cyanosis Decreased urine output Secondary Nursing Assessment 1. Activities Symptoms: Weakness Fatigue Can not sleep Settled lifesty...