Self-Concept Components
Self-Concept Components 1. Body image Body image is a person's attitude toward the body, consciously and unconsciously. This attitude includes perceptions and feelings about the size, shape and function of the body's appearance today and the past. 2. ideal self Individual's perception of how he should behave in accordance with the standards of conduct. Ideal self would embody the ideals and personal expectations. 3. Self-Esteem Self-esteem is the evaluation of the results pencaian achieved by analyzing the extent to which behavior according to the ideal self. If successful then the individual obtaining self-esteem tend to be high and if you have low self-esteem tend to be failures. Self-esteem is earned from yourself and others. 4. role of Self The role itself is a pattern, the behavior of the expected value of a person based on their function in society. 5. identity Identity is a sense of self dirinay derived from observation and assessment is a synthesis of all aspects of...