
Showing posts from July 4, 2011

Use of Bedpan

Use of Bedpan. Following is the proper procedure for handling a bedpan for either a male or female patient (figure 1-16). Bring the patient a warmed bedpan inserted in paper cover, rinsed in hot water, and dried. Provide privacy. Place the covered pan on the chair seat and prepare to assist the patient as necessary. Lift the bed cover; remove any supporting pillows; and lower the knee rail. Pull the pajama jacket above the waist, and the pants to below the knees. Tell the patient to bend his knees, press his heels against the bed, and raise hips. Slip one hand under his back, and place the pan under the buttocks. Ask for assistance if the patient is heavy and unable to assist in lifting. If the patient cannot raise his buttocks, roll him to the near side of the bed, place the pan under his buttocks, and then roll him back on the pan. Check his position on the pan. Elevate the head of the bed. Place toilet paper and signal cord within patient's reach, and leave patient alone unless ...

Use of Urinal

Use of Urinal. Following are the proper procedures for handling a urinal for a male patient (figure 1-15). (1) Raise or level the bed as necessary. For example, some patients may desire to have the head of the bed raised. Others may require the knee part of the bed to be lowered or level. (2) Bring the urinal to the patient inserted in a paper cover. Screen the patient and give the urinal directly to him, placing the cover on the seat of the chair. (3) Assist the patient as needed; for example, adjust his pajama trousers or position the urinal. Instruct the patient to signal when finished. Be sure that he understands that he must never place the urinal on his bedside cabinet. This is for esthetics and sanitary reasons. (4) On signal, return promptly, bringing a basin of warm water. Remove the urinal from the bed. Assist the patient to wash his hands. (5) Note the color and amount of urine before discarding it. If an output record is kept, measure and record the amount and time voided o...

Elimination Needs Fulfillment

Elimination Needs Fulfillment - Fulfillment elimination comprises elimination needs alvi (associated with defecation) and uri elimination needs (related to urination). In meeting the demand elimination, is in need supervision on the problems associated with a bowel disorders, such as: obstipasi, incontinence, urinary retention, and others. The disorder can disrupt daily activity patterns. To meet the needs of elimination, there are some nursing procedures that can be done, including meeting the needs of elimination alvi with bedpans in patients who are unable to do so independently, did huknah low, high huknah, glycerin per-rectal administration, manual evacuation of stool, to meet the needs of elimination urine with a urinal, in patients who are not able to perform independently and the installation of condom catheter Bedpan for defecation Nursing actions are performed on clients who are unable to meet the needs of elimination alvi independently to the bathroom, done using the potty (...