10 Factors Affecting the Human Body Temperature

Examination of the body temperature will signal that the core temperature is strictly controlled because it can be affected by chemical reactions. Examination of body temperature can be done in several places, namely: Armpits (axila). Mouth. Anus. Standard values to determine normal human body temperature is divided into four, namely: Hypothermia, when the body temperature less than 36 ° C. To measure the temperature of hypothermia, thermometer required size is low (low reading thermometer), which can measure up to 25 degrees Celsius. Normally, when the body temperature ranges between 36.5 to 37.5 ° C. Febrile / pyrexia / summer, when the body temperature above 37.5 to 40 ° C. Hyperthermia, when the body temperature of over 40 ° C. Factors that affect the temperature of the human body can be described as follows: 1. Basal Metabolism Speed Basal metabolic rate of each individual is different. It affects the amount of heat produced by the body becomes different. As mentioned in the previ...