Definition of Vertigo According to Experts

Definition of vertigo are: taste sensation of movement or motion of the body or the surrounding environment, can be accompanied by other symptoms, especially of autonomic networking, due to interference with the body's balance tool. Vertigo may not only consist of the symptoms of dizziness, but rather a collection of symptoms or syndrome of somatic symptoms (nystagmus, unstable), autonomic (pallor, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting) and dizziness (Tarwoto, et al. 2007) Vertigo can be classified as a form of balance disorder or disturbance in the orientation of the room. Many system or organ that is involved in regulating and maintaining the balance of our body. The balance is set by the integration of various systems including the vestibular system, visual system and the somatosensory system (propioseptic). To maintain the balance in the room, then at least two of the three systems mentioned above system must function properly. At vertigo, patients feel or see the surroundings move, or ...