
Showing posts from September 23, 2013

4 Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions fror Dysentery

1. Nursing Diagnosis for Dysentery : Imbalanced Nutrition : less than body requirements related to: inadequate intake and output Goal: nutritional needs are met Expected outcomes: Increased appetite. Increased or normal weight according to age. Nursing Interventions for Dysentery : 1. Discuss and explain about the diet restrictions of patients (high fiber foods, fatty and water is too hot or cold) R / high fiber, fat, water is too hot / cold can stimulate irritate the stomach and intestinal tract. 2. Create a clean environment, away from the smell of the odor or litter, serve food in a warm state. R / situation comfortable, relaxed to stimulate appetite. 3. Provide hours of rest (sleep) and reduce excessive activity. R / Reducing energy consumption is excessive 4. Monitor intake and output within 24 hours. R / Knowing the amount of output can merencenakan amount of food. 5. Collaboration with other health care team: a. Nutritional therapy: A diet high in calories and high in protein, l...

Preoperative Nursing Interventions for Apendicitis

Appendicitis is caused by blockage of the lumen of the appendix by fecalit, foreign objects, because there are previous inflammation. The obstruction causes mucus-producing mucosa, having the dam. However, the elasticity of the walls of the appendix has limitations that cause intra-luminal pressure. The increased pressure will inhibit the flow of lymph which will cause edema and ulceration of the mucosa, this occurs when the local acute appendicitis is characterized by the presence of pain. Appendix unknown function, is part of the cecum. Inflammation of the appendix may occur by the presence of mucosal ulceration or obstruction of the lumen wall (usually by fecalit / hardened feces). Penymbatan spending mucus resulting in adhesions, and inhibition of bloodstream infections. Of hypoxia, resulting gangreng or rupture within 24-36 hours. If this process continues around the walls of organs appendix adhesions will occur that will cause an abscess (chronic). If the infection ...