
Showing posts from May 23, 2012

Nursing Interventions for Tetanus - Imbalanced Nutrition

Nursing Diagnosis for Tetanus: Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements related to stiffness of muscles of mastication Characterized by: Intake less, eat and drink that came in through the mouth can come back again through the nose and body weight decreased with the results of protein or albumin less than 3.5 mg% Objectives: Nutritional needs are met Expected outcomes are: Optimal weight Adequate Intake The results of albumin from 3.5 to 5 mg% Tetanus Nursing Interventions and Rational: 1. Explain the factors that influence eating and kesuliatan the importance of food for the body. Rational: the effects of tetanus is a stiffness of the muscles of mastication so that clients experience kesuliatan swallowing reflex and sometimes behind or kesedak arise. With an adequate level of knowledge of the clients are expected to participate and cooperate in the diet. 2. Collaboration with a team of nutrition for the provision of a diet high in calories and high in protein,...

Pathophysiology of Anemia

Pathophysiology of Anemia Anemia may reflect the presence of marrow failure or loss of red blood cells or both. Marrow failure (reduced erotropoesis) can occur due to nutritional deficiencies, toxic exposure, tumor invasion, but mostly due to unknown causes. Red blood cells can be lost through hemorrhage or hemolysis (destruction) that can be caused by a defect of red blood cells that do not correspond with the resistance of normal red blood cells. Red blood cell lysis (dissolution) occurs mainly in phagocytic cells (reticuloendothelial) in the liver and spleen. This process produces bilirubin which will enter the bloodstream. The increase in red blood cell destruction (hemolysis) is reflected by an increase in plasma bilirubin. If the destruction of red blood cells in circulation as the hemoglobin in hemolytic disorders will emerge through the plasma (hemoglobinemia). If the plasma concentration exceeds the capacity of plasma haptoglobin (hemoglobin binding protein-free) to tie it al...