
Showing posts from September 17, 2014

Howard Gardner - Identified Eight Different Types of Intelligences

Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences According to Howard Gardner, a leading psychologist at Harvard University, said there are eight intelligence possessed by humans, such as: 1. Linguistic intelligence People who have this intelligence is someone who is good at processing words when speaking or writing. This type of person usually likes to do crossword puzzles, play scrable, reading, written language and can interpret clearly. If people have this intelligence, then a suitable job is a journalist, poet, or a lawyer. 2. Mathematical or logic intelligence This type of intelligence is the person who has the intelligence in terms of numbers and logic. They are easy to make classification and categorization, thought the pattern of cause and effect, create hypotheses, and a rational outlook on life. Suitable job if this is intelligent scientist, accountant, or progammer. 3. Spatial intelligence They are included in this type has a sharp sensitivity to visual, balance, color,...

Methods of Psychology

Some methodologies in psychology , including the following : 1. Experimental Methodology How this is done usually in the laboratory by conducting various experiments. Researchers have full control over the course of an experiment. That will determine what will be examined in something, when to study, how often do research, and so on. In the experimental method, the nature of subjectivity from the method of introspection will be overcome. In pure introspection method, only the researchers themselves into objects. But the experimental introspection, the number of subjects a lot, that is, people who experimented it. With the breadth or number of study subjects, the results obtained will be more objective. Research methods generally begin with the hypothesis that prediction / forecasting, branching from the theory, is described and formulated so that it can be tested. 2. Scientific Observation On scientific observation, a case in situations arising, not on purpose. But the scientific proce...