
Showing posts from July 17, 2011

Diphtheria - Clinical Manifestations, Complication, Prevention

Diphtheria Clinical manifestations Diphtheria nose: cold blood mixed with secretions. Mild constitutional symptoms. Pharyngeal and tonsillar diphtheria (fausial): there is an acute inflammation of the throat, fever up to 38.5 ° C, tachycardia, seem weak, bad breath, swelling of regional lymph (bull neck). Membrane can be white, dirty gray, or gray-green with a slightly raised edge. When the membrane was appointed there will be bleeding. However, this procedure is contraindicated because it accelerates the absorption of toxins. Laryngeal diphtheria: the toughest kind, there afonia, tightness, stridor inspiration, fever to 40 ° C, very weak, cyanosis, bull neck. Cutaneous diphtheria and vaginal: ulcerative lesions with membrane formation. The lesions are persistent and often anesthesia. Diphtheria Complication Airway: airway obstruction, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary atelectasis. Cardiovascular: myocarditis caused by germ toxins. Urogenital: nephritis. Nervous system: paralysis / paresis p...

Definition and Causes of Diphtheria

Diphtheria (Tropical Infectious Diseases in Children) Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by germs suddenly Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Contagious and attacks mainly the upper airway with the typical signs of pseudomembranous and the release of exotoxin that can cause symptoms of general and local. Transmission is generally through the air, a droplet infection, but it can be through contaminated food or objects. Period of 2-7 days bud. Causes Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a Gram-positive bacteria are polymorphs, not moving, and do not form spores. There are three types of basil, which is the form of gravis, mitis, and intermedius. Basil can be formed: pseudomembranous difficult lifted, bleed easily, and grayish-white color that covers the affected area; composed of fibrin, leukocytes, necrotic tissue, and basil. exotoxin is highly malignant and can poison the network after a few hours absorbed and provides a typical picture of the network changes, especially in cardiac muscle, ...

Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder

Clinical Manifestations of Adjustment Disorder Up to three months may be found to stressors and the development of symptoms. Symptoms do not always disappear immediately after the stressor disappeared. If the stressor persists, the disorder may become chronic. Disruption can occur at any age. Symptoms vary widely, with depression, anxiety, and mixed disorders are most frequently in adults. Manifestations also include attacking behavior and speeding, drink excessively, escaping from legal liability, and withdrew. Clinical presentation can vary widely, in the form of anxiety, depression, behavioral disturbances, a mixture of emotions and conduction disturbances, as well as mixed anxiety and depression. Diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder Diagnosis depends on evaluation of the relationship between: form, content, and severity of symptoms previous history or pattern of personality event, stressful situation, or life crisis The existence of the three factors above must have a clear and compell...

Adjustment Disorders Definition and Treatment

Adjustment Disorders Definition Adjustment disorder maladaptive reaction to short-term is the so-called ordinary people as a personal misfortune or the so-called psychiatric clinicians as psychosocial stressors. Etiology Adjustment disorder triggered by one or more stressors. Severity of stressors does not always predict the severity of disturbance. Psychoanalytic research has emphasized the role of mother and child rearing environment. Core in understanding the nature of adjustment disorder is a stressor, conscious and unconscious meanings of stressors, and vulnerability of the patient. Treatment Psychotherapy remains the treatment of choice for adjustment disorders. Group therapy can be very useful. This type of brief therapy, crisis intervention intended to assist people with adjustment disorders resolve the situation quickly with supportive techniques, suggestions, penentraman, environmental modifications, and even hospitalization. Flexibility is important in this approach. Patien...

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) Definition, Causes and Symptoms

Acute stress disorder (ASD) Definition Acute stress disorder (ASD) is an anxiety disorder characterized by a cluster of dissociative and anxiety symptoms that occur within a month of a traumatic stressor. It is a relatively new diagnostic category and was added to the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) in 1994 to distinguish time-limited reactions to trauma from the farther-reaching and longer-lasting post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Published by the American Psychiatric Association, the DSM contains diagnostic criteria, research findings, and treatment information for mental disorders. It is the primary reference for mental health professionals in the United States. Causes The immediate cause of ASD is exposure to trauma—an extreme stressor involving a threat to life or the prospect of serious injury; witnessing an event that involves the death or serious injury of another person; or learning of the violent death or serious i...

All About Nurses

Nanda Nanda Nursing Diagnosis List 2011 List of NANDA Nursing diagnosis Accepted for Use and Research Divided into 13 domains and 47 classes, below the full list of 13 Domains and 47 classes NANDA Nursing diagnosis. And complete list of NANDA Nursing diagnosis based on alphabetical order.Domains Health PromotionsHealth awarenessHealth managementDomains nutrition’singestiondigestionAbsorptionMetabolismHydrationDomains Elimination/exchangeUrinary SystemGastrointestinal... Nanda Nursing Diagnosis 2008 Source: NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2007–2008. Philadelphia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. Used with permission.Activity IntoleranceActivity Intolerance,Risk for Airway Clearance,Ineffective AnxietyAnxiety, DeathAspiration, Risk forAttachment, Parent/Infant/Child, Risk for ImpairedAutonomic Dysreflexia Autonomic Dysreflexia, Risk for Blood Glucose, Risk for Unstable Body Image, DisturbedBody... Nursing Care Plan Nursing Care Plan Ineffective Airwa...

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis 2008

Source: NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2007–2008. Philadelphia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. Used with permission. Activity Intolerance Activity Intolerance, Risk for Airway Clearance, Ineffective Anxiety Anxiety, Death Aspiration, Risk for Attachment, Parent/Infant/Child, Risk for Impaired Autonomic Dysreflexia Autonomic Dysreflexia, Risk for Blood Glucose, Risk for Unstable Body Image, Disturbed Body Temperature: Imbalanced, Risk for Bowel Incontinence Breastfeeding, Effective Breastfeeding, Ineffective Breastfeeding, Interrupted Breathing Pattern, Ineffective Cardiac Output, Decreased Caregiver Role Strain Caregiver Role Strain, Risk for Comfort, Readiness for Enhanced Communication: Impaired, Verbal Communication, Readiness for Enhanced Confusion, Acute Confusion, Acute, Risk for Confusion, Chronic Constipation Constipation, Perceived Constipation, Risk for Contamination Contamination, Risk for Coping: Community, Ineffective Coping: Commun...

Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children [Hardcover]

Book Description Nowhere else will you find such comprehensive pathophysiology coverage of disease physiology Product Description Well-known for its authoritative and comprehensive coverage, complete treatment of pediatric pathophysiology, and the most extensive illustration program in its field, this textbook features expert content on everything from the general principles of pathophysiology to detailed discussions of genetics and specific diseases. Chapters on alteration present the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment of each disease to help you learn to identify normal anatomy and physiology, as well as alterations of function in adults and in children. Unparalleled coverage of disease processes makes this text the most comprehensive pathophysiology text available. The largest full-color art program in the field illustrates the clinical manifestations of diseases and disease processes Consistent presentations of each disease with pathophysiology, ...

Pathophysiology of Disease An Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Sixth Edition (Lange Medical Books)

Review "The book does an excellent job of integrating basic science concepts with clinical medicine. Each of the organ system chapters reviews the normal anatomy, physiology and histology, then follows with the pathophysiology, clinical findings, and pathology of the more commonly encountered disorders. Additionally there are chapters on genetic diseases, immune diseases and neoplasia which similarly link basic science principles with clinical disease entities. Each chapter contains periodic "checkpoint" questions which guide the reader to the most important concepts. Each chapter also ends with several case studies with questions and discussions, similar to those encountered on board examinations." (Doody's ) --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Product Description NOW in full color! A complete case-based review of the essentials of pathophysiology – covering all major organs and systems 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "Th...