
Showing posts from September 22, 2012

Nursing Assessment of Bronchitis - Signs and Symptoms

Baseline assessment in patients with bronchitis: 1. Activity / rest Symptoms: Exhaustion, fatigue, malaise. The inability to perform daily activities. Inability to sleep. Dyspnoea at rest. Signs: Fatigue, anxiety, insomnia. General weakness / loss of muscle mass. 2. Circulation Symptoms: Swelling of the lower extremities. Signs: Increased blood pressure, increased heart rate / tachycardia weight. Distended neck veins. Dependent edema, heart sound dim. Color of skin / mucous membranes. normal / cyanosis. Pale, may indicate anemia. 3. Ego integrity Symptoms: Increased risk factors Changes in lifestyle Signs: Anxiety , fear, sensitive stimuli. 4. Food / fluid Symptoms: Nausea / vomiting . Poor appetite / anorexia inability to eat, losing weight, weight gain Signs: Poor skin turgor, dependent edema, sweating. Weight loss, abdominal palpitation 5. Hygiene Symptoms: Decreased ability / improvement needs Signs: Poor hygiene, body odor. 6. breathing Symptoms: Cough with sputum production settl...