Sciatica in Pregnancy
Sciatica in Pregnancy Characteristics of Sciatica Sharp pain as burning pain that comes and goes and often only felt on one side only. May feel pain in the lower back, on the back of the thigh and the back of the leg. May also feel a burning sensation or tingling and numbness or tingling in the legs. The pain may be uneven or wide. Well in case Sciatika these complaints can be very devastating and cause pain is more constant than pure pelvic pain / common in pregnant women. Home Care for Sciatica in Pregnancy Use warm compresses or ice packs to the painful area for 10 minutes. (for an ice pack can also use ice gel) and for a warm compress can use electric heat pillow or hot pot which can be found in pharmacies or in stores medical equipment. Wear flat-heeled shoes and soft. This helps prevent spinal too stretched and strained as it goes. Pay attention to your posture and try to keep your back straighter. When sitting, use a pillow / small bolster or rolled towel behind you to support ...