The Important Assessment in Patients with Chest Pain (Coronary)

Chest pain is a sensation of pain in the chest , an area between the neck and the abdomen , which interfere with a person . These symptoms are often the reason for someone to come to the hospital emergency room . And almost every patient comes with a glob of questions in my head. The good news is : not every chest pain caused by heart attacks.

Causes of Chest Pain

Chest cavity consists of various organs . The most takes place is the lungs and respiratory tract , then the heart , and of course the gastrointestinal tract or in medical terms is called the esophagus , which connects the esophagus with the stomach . And beyond that there are muscles , bones , nerves and the skin covering the chest cavity . So it is very logical if the chest pain is not always caused by heart disease .

Chest pain due to inflammation of the esophagus called esophagitis . Symptoms include pain when swallowing food . Pain can also occur due to excess stomach acid , a condition often called gastritis , in which the most common symptom is heartburn . In some cases , the pain spread to the chest . We can try to reduce the pain caused by abnormalities in the above by eating softer foods , drink milk . But in some conditions , especially if the pain lasts more than two weeks , it may well be required consultation with a gastrointestinal surgeon or gastroenterologist . The doctor will provide additional therapy , and if necessary, endoscopic examination of the stomach or binoculars to see abnormalities in the esophagus or stomach .

The Important Assessment in Patients with Chest Pain (Coronary)
  1. Location of pain
    Where to start, spreading of pain (the coronary chest pain: from the sternal spread to the neck, chin or shoulder to her left ulna)
  2. Nature of pain
    Feeling full, heavy feeling like spasms, squeezing, stabbing, strangling / burning, etc..
  3. Characteristics of pain
    The degree of pain, duration, how often arise in a certain period.
  4. Chronological pain
    First there is pain and progress sequentially
  5. The situation at the time of attack
    Does arise in times / circumstances
  6. Factors that reinforce / relieve pain such as attitude / posture, movement, pressure, etc..
  7. Other symptoms that may exist whether or not the relationship with chest pain.

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