Physical Examination for patients with Hydatidiform Mole

Molar pregnancy is an abnormal form of pregnancy, wherein a non-viable, fertilized egg implants in the uterus, and thereby converts normal pregnancy processes into pathological ones. It is characterized by the presence of a hydatidiform mole (or hydatid mole, mola hydatidosa). Molar pregnancies are categorized into partial and complete moles.

Physical Examination for patients with Hydatidiform Mole


Inspection is a systematic process of observation is not limited to vision but also includes the sense of hearing and smell.

Observe the skin of color, discoloration, lacerations, lesions of the drainage, the depth of our breathing patterns and symmetry, body language, movement and posture, use of the limb, the presence of physical limitations, and so on.


Palpation is touching or pressing the outer surface of the body with fingers.
The touch: felt a swelling, record temperature, humidity and degree of skin texture or to determine the strength of uterine contractions.

Pressure: determining the character of the pulse, to evaluate the edema, the position of the fetus or pinching the skin to observe turgor.
Examination of: determining a voltage / tone muscle or abnormal pain response.


Percussion is to knock directly or indirectly on the surface of a particular body to ensure the information about the existing organs or tissues underneath.

Using a finger: tap the knees and chest and listen for sounds that indicate the presence or absence of fluid, mass or consolidation.

Using a mallet percussion: tap the knees and observe whether there is a reflex / movement on the lower legs, check the abdominal skin reflex contraction of the abdominal wall is there or not.


Auscultation is listening to sounds within the body with the aid of a stethoscope to describe and interpret the sound is heard.

Listening: listening in an ante-cubital space for blood pressure, chest to the sound of the heart / lung or abdomen for bowel sounds fetal heart rate.

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