Administering a Metered Dose Inhaler (self administration)

Medical Equipments:

Medication Administration Record (MAR)
Medication with Dropper
Emesis Basin (optional)
Non-sterile Gloves

Nursing Actions:

Check the allergies that patient may have
Determine the written order on MAR
Wash hands
Check patient’s identification armband
Explain the procedures to the patient and provide privacy
Ask patient to blow nose unless contraindicated
Inform the patient that he/she may feel a burning sensation to the mucosa or a choking sensation, or both, as the drop trickles back into the throat
Place patient in a supine position and hyperextend the neck and position the head to the site that facilitates the drop reaching the expected site
Instruct the patient to breathe through mouth
Squeeze medications into the dropper
Insert the nasal drops about 3/8 inch into nostril and keep the tip of the dropper away from the sides of the nares.
Instill the medication as prescribed and observe for signs and discomforts
Ask the patient to maintain supine position for 5 minutes
Discard any unused medication remaining in the bottle
Position the patient to a comfortable position and proved the patient with the emesis basin and tissue to expectorate any medication and flows in to the oropharynx and mouth
Remove gloves and wash hands
Record the medication given, doses, and time on MAR
Observe the patient for side effects for 30 minutes after administration

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