Diagnostic Examination of Arrhythmia

  • ECG : shows the pattern of ischemic injury and conduction disturbances. Stating the type / source of dysrhythmia and effect of electrolyte imbalance and cardiac medications.
  • Holter Monitor : Overview of ECG (24 hours) may be required to determine where the dysrhythmia caused by a particular symptom when the patient is active (at home / work). It can also be used to evaluate the function of a pacemaker / drug effects of anti-dysrhythmia.
  • Chest photo : It can show enlarged heart shadow with respect to ventricular dysfunction or valve
  • Scan myocardial imaging : it can show areas of ischemic / myocardial damage that could affect or disrupt the normal conduction wall motion and pump capacity.
  • Exercise stress tests : demonstrating the exercises can be done separately which causes dysrhythmias.
  • Electrolytes : An increase or decrease in potassium, calcium and magnesium can cause dysrhythmias.
  • Examination of drugs : cardiac drug toxicity can be expressed, the presence of street drugs or digitalis examples of alleged drug interactions, quinidin.
  • Examination of the thyroid : an increase or penururnan serum thyroid levels can cause increased dysrhythmias.
  • Sedimentation rate : Elevation may indicate an acute inflammatory process as an example of endocarditis trigger dysrhythmias.
  • Analysis of blood gases / pulse oximetry: Hypoxaemia can cause / exacerbate dysrhythmias.

Diagnostic Examination of Arrhythmia

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