Pregnancy Nutrition Information And What To Avoid

Eating healthy during a pregnancy is so important because you are now eating for two people. You are the sole provider for your baby, and have to provide the proper nutrition during pregnancy. There are certain foods and drinks that will provide maximum health benefits, and other foods that can be harmful to your baby. One of the joys of being pregnant is being able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want and not to feel guilty about it. If you want pickles with ice cream, by all means enjoy. However, there are some foods and drinks you will have to give up during the nine months your baby is developing. Here are some foods and drinks to avoid during your pregnancy to ensure the health of your newborn baby.

If you are a sushi lover, be sure to eat up before you plan on getting pregnant because raw food is very harmful. Any type of raw meat is unsafe to eat during a pregnancy. This not only includes seafood in things such as sushi or oysters, but also steaks, eggs, and poultry. Steaks and burgers will have to be cooked well done. You will also have to cook eggs well done and forego the sunny side up version during breakfast. There is a high risk for infection for your baby from consuming undercooked meat and seafood.

There is a lot of seafood that is very healthy for you. However, keep in mind that fish with high levels of mercury will need to be avoided. For example instead of eating shark or swordfish, you should eat shrimp or salmon instead. The portion sizes should remain small when eating fish. Mercury in seafood can damage the nervous system while your baby is developing. Smoked salmon is very nutritious, but during a pregnancy needs to be avoided.

An entire section of the grocery store that should be kept out of your diet for nine months is the deli section. A lot of the meats and cheeses are at a high risk for causing food poisoning. Listeria is a bacteria often found in deli meats are very dangerous because it can cross over the placenta and cause an infection to your baby. If you do eat deli meats in sandwiches, it is advised that you cook the meat on the stove top or microwave before making and eating your sandwich.

Another group of foods that can contain listeria in it is soft cheeses. This includes bleu or gorgonzola cheese, brie, feta, Roquefort, camembert, and Mexican style cheeses like queso fresco. These are unsafe because they contain unpasteurized milk. While this would normally be a healthy addition to your diet, when you are eating for both you and your baby they are unhealthy and dangerous.

Most women know to avoid alcohol during the nine months they are carrying. There are labels on every alcoholic beverage to remind you of the risks alcohol can cause to an unborn baby. Alcohol won’t allow your baby to properly develop. Another type of drink that should be avoided is anything with caffeine in it such as coffee or lattes. Caffeine can make you and your baby very dehydrated so it is better to drink plenty of water or organic juices. Some experts will say that caffeine in moderation during the nine months is okay, so it is really a personal choice you should make with your doctor.

Keep a healthy diet for you and your baby and remember to avoid these foods and drinks for nine months.

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