Sample of Nursing Care Plan

Sample of Nursing Care Plan
Sample of Nursing Diagnoses (As per NANDA- North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)
Nursing DiagnosisAnalysis
1Risk for injury related to accelerated motor activityAccelerated motor activity or impulsive actions
2Disturbed thought process related to impaired judgement associated with manic behaviourJudgement impaired , mood of elation (patient is using inappropriate dress and bizarre dressing)
3Self-care deficit (unkempt appearance) related to hyperactivityUnable to take time for self-care is, dishevelled and unkempt
4Impaired verbal communication –flight of ideas related to accelerated thinkingAccelerated speech with flight of ideas (thought speeded up causing rapid speech and flight of ideas, excessive planning for activities
5Ineffective coping related to elated expressive moodEuphoria, elation, cheerfulness( an exaggerated sense of well being)
6Disturbed thought process –grandiosity related to elevated moodGrandiosity-inflation self-esteem
7Ineffective coping related to emotional liability associated with manic behaviourEmotional labiality (unstable mood moves from cheerfulness to irritation easily with little irritation
8Disturbed thought process –related to delusion of grandeurGrandiose delusions (Belief that well known political religious, or entertainment leader)
9Disturbed thought process decreased attention span and difficulty in concentration related to accelerated thinkingShort attention span, difficulty in concentrating , easily disturbed
10Risk for violence related to hostile and angry behaviourHostile comment and complaints
11Impaired verbal communication related to pressure of speechAccelerated thinking, highly responsive to environmental stimuli, accompanying flight of ideas
  • Nutrition: less than body requirements, imbalanced
  • Nutrition: more than body requirements, imbalanced
  • Nutrition: risk for more than body requirements, imbalanced
Weight loss (less food intake associated with depression which contributes to loss of appetite with weight loss/weight gain following pharmacological management/possible wieght gain
13Self-care deficit-neglect of personal hygiene related to depressionNeglect of personal hygiene (feeling of worthlessness associated with depression which contribute to lack of interest in personal hygiene
14Health Maintenance, ineffective –psychomotor retardation related to depressionExtreme slowness in performing activity
15Risk for violence- self-directed, related to depressionBruises, cuts, scars, (possible destructive behaviour or abuse by others)
16Anxiety –neurological symptoms related to depressionExtreme nervousness (possible response to loss with symptoms to those of anxiety)
17Risk for violencermSuicidal feeling (Hopelessness contributes to total despair
18Sensory perceptual alteration –disorientation about time, place, and person related to increased anxietyConfusion or disorientation
19Ineffective coping –obsessive thinking related to anxietyAnxiety (Increased anxiety unapparent and discharge through obsessive thinking)
20Impaired Social interactions –inability to form warm, meaningful relationships, related to compulsive behaviourLacks ability to develop warm relationship ( has limited ability to express emotion)
21Ineffective coping –compulsion related to need for excessive cleanliness)Excessive cleanliness (Over emphasis for cleanliness and neatness)
22Potential for self harm related to poor impulse control associated with substance abuse)Poor impulse control
23Potential for self-harm related to marked disorientation , disorganization, and confusionDisorientation, disorganization and confusion (If marked , patient is at high suicidal risk)
24Distarbance of self-concept-insecurity related to suspiciousnessInsecurity, oversensitive, Failure to meet needs results in mistrust and insecurity
25Potential for violence directed towards others related t perceived threat or injustice to himselfAnger and hostility –may become physically violent (Overly concerned with protecting himself from environment : overly sensitive)
25Ineffective individual coping persecutory feeling related to mistrustFeeling of being misjudged , conspired against, spied upon , followed , poisoned, dragged, obstructed in achieving long term goals.

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