Why Our Children Fear Reading

Why some children are afraid to read!

It is sad to say, but I can see why some children are afraid to read. Reading for them has become a chore and an activity that does not bring them any pleasure. They have been given a poor start and the fuss and energy that has gone into learning phonics and high frequency words has become a burden far too great for them to carry. There are also those children that because of a learning difficulties find reading and learning to read an almost unbearable task and again they have been turned off reading and it is sometimes difficult to get them re-interested.

Now, don't get me wrong. I understand that children need to learn to read and that they need to begin this process as soon as possible. However, I feel that some parents and teachers, under the pressure of wanting the best for the children or the best for their results, are over burdening our little children. Schools in general, do a good job at teaching children phonics through play, songs, rhymes and drama. Many parents adopt a more relaxed attitude learning to read and do not burden their children with constant pressure about getting the sounds right and learning them as quickly as the next child. However, we still face a problem that many children leave primary school with inadequate basic reading and comprehension skills.

Children should be allowed to learn to read at their own pace. Yes, I know there are government standards and tests, but these do not benefit all children. Surely a love of books and learning is much more important than a child being so terrified of reading that they are not even prepared to guess at a word or sound in case they get it wrong. This is surely not what we want for our children? Over testing and over education is the result of this. The skills for reading will come; given time, practise and patience. Over educations, I hear you ask? Yes, I do believe there is such a thing as you can not teach a child they have to learn how to learn.

Children go into schools and libraries ready to explore, chew and destroy books! We as parents have to guide them and show then that there is more to a book than that and most of the time we do. So, I wonder, when is it that they become afraid of getting words 'wrong' and not wanting to sound out for fear of incorrect pronunciation?

So, to all parents and teacher that are pushing our children too far, let them enjoy reading:

Play phonic games with them.
Let them hunt for words around the house.
Stick words on the wall fridge or bike.
Play snap and listen to phonics online.
Help your child to learn to learn and let them have fun.
Read to them. If they do not want to read, let them join in when they want to.
Buy or listen to audio books online.
Take the pressure off them and you will see them flourish.

Nina Riley writes her blog to help other parents. She has three boys of her own; one at university, one at college and a younger child in schools. She writes from over fifteen years experience teaching and learning from her own children. She believes the key to success is to treat your children with love and respect. To understand what it is to learn together and to have fun along the way.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nina_Riley

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