Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions Brain Tumor

Brain tumors include all tumors inside the skull or in the central spinal canal. They are created by an abnormal and Uncontrolled cell division, normally either in the brain Itself (neurons, glial cells (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells, myelin-producing Schwann cells), lymphatic tissue, blood vessels), in the cranial nervous, in the brain envelopes (meninges), skull, pituitary and pineal gland, or spread from cancers primarily located in other organs (metastatic tumors).

Impaired Gas Exchange related to neuromuscular dysfunction (loss of control of respiratory muscles)

Characterized by: changes in depth of breath, dyspnea, airway obstruction, aspiration.

Goal : Impaired gas exchange can be resolved

Nursing Intervention for Brain Tumor

Clear the airway
Monitor vital signs
Monitor the breathing pattern, breath sounds
Monitor blood gases penururnan
Blood gas analysis
Collaboration Oxygenation

Nursing Diagnosis for Brain Tumor

Acute Pain : the head related to increased intra-cranial pressure

Characterized by : headache, especially early morning, the client moaning in pain, the pain increased when the client coughing, straining, bending.

Goal : reduced pain

Nursing Intervention for Brain Tumor

Monitor the pain scale
Give compress on the area where the sick
Monitor vital signs
Give a comfortable position
Perform Massage
Observation of non-verbal signs of pain
Assess defisid factors, emotional state of someone
Note the influence of pain
Cold compresses on the head
Use of therapeutic touch technique
Observation of nausea, vomiting
Collaboration administration of drugs: analgesic, relaxant, prednisone, anti-emetics

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