Registered Nursing - The Job That Offers Bang For Your Educational Buck

Is having a good income and stability among your key factors in choosing a career? Then registered nursing just might be for you.

In a 2006 article, CNN lists registered nursing as one of the ten best-paying jobs that can be obtained with an associate's degree. In the article, they note that this job requiring only an Associate's Degree often pays better than many jobs requiring bachelor's degrees. The quoted average annual salary for registered nurses of $52,000.

By enrolling at an accredited nursing program, you can already obtain an Associate Degree in Nursing. Your state board of nursing will have a list of the approved nursing schools in your area or all throughout the state.

You also have the option to take the 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing but take note, this degree does not automatically entitle you to higher pay. For as long as you pass the NCLEX-RN exam, whether you graduated with an associate or a bachelor degree, you are a registered nurse.

While some hospitals and clinics do give a premium to RNs with a bachelor's degree, it isn't really a guarantee and in any case, the difference isn't that significant.

In case you are intent on pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, you can take the Associate degree first and then proceed to a BSN course through an online program. The advantage here is that you can take the online course while working part time or even full time. Odds are good that your employer will pay for some or all of your education in exchange for an agreement to remain working with that employer for a specified amount of time.

If you want to move into a manager's position as a nurse, you will almost certainly need to get a Bachelor's Degree of Science in Nursing, but again, that can be obtained after you have gotten your ADN degree and your job with that nice paycheck rolling in every week.

Visit us to find out more about the registered nurse degree. You'll also get information on a variety of other nursing school programs.
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