Causes of Digestive System Disorders During Pregnancy

Digestive system is the channel that receives food from outside and prepare to be absorbed by the body by way of the process of digestion (chewing, swallowing, and mixing) with enzymes and liquids which spread from the mouth (oris) to the anus.

Indigestion is the obstruction of the digestive function or failure of the stomach to digest food. Poor eating habits can lead to a variety of digestive problems, such as heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, dizziness, difficult defecation, flatulence, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Major disruption of the diet is not good belly feels hot (dyspepsia).

Causes of Digestive System Disorders During Pregnancy

1. Excessive eating

The food is packed stomach will inhibit the activity of the stomach so that the stomach acid can not come into contact with foods that taste in the middle of the hull. To overcome this problem are usually encouraged to eat in small portions, but with greater frequency. Because it is better than the frequency of 2-3 times the meal but the portions exceeding the capacity of the stomach.

2. Eating a hurry

How to eat in a hurry cause the food is not chewed properly. As a result, food swallowed is still in rough shape so that the stomach and intestines to work hard in the process. Gastric peristalsis is not to grind the food but to push food down into the stomach. Undigested food in the mouth or in the stomach will undergo fermentation or rotting in the duodenum and small intestine. Hasty eating habits also lead to a number of accidental air into the stomach. Trapped air bubbles will come out again through the esophagus and cause belching. If at that time already a large number of gastric acid, gastric acid most of it will come out with the air. This incident occasionally stomach symptoms such as stomach feels.

3. Stress or tension

Pain in the stomach and small intestine can also be triggered by psychological factors. such as feeling tense or stressed. in some patients, only complaint was around the stomach and small intestine. However, in some cases, the disorder can occur in the entire digestive process. In many ways, matching diet can be applied to improve patient digestive process, but not for psychological disorders.

4. Blockage of the intestinal tract

Wrong diet for many years can lead to contamination and blockage of the intestinal tract in part. It is not sufficiently addressed by matching diet alone. Only diet can help improve digestion, but the condition of the bowel must disehatkan first. Repair digestion will be better if followed by colon cleansing therapy or often called colonic irrigation or colon hydrotherapy.

5. Disorders of the nerves that control appetite

Taste and eating satisfaction are controlled by nerve centers in the brain called the hypothalamus. See, smell, even the thought of food alone will stimulate the hypothalamus sends signals to the digestive system so that the digestive function becomes active . If we force ourselves to eat, while no appetite, digestive system will not increase its activity, as no signal from the hypothalamus. As a result, the food will not be digested perfect that cause problems in the digestive organs. Digestion also be disrupted if we are not eating satisfaction monitored by this nerve. Because the body feel full yet, we continue to fill it with food, to not feel the stomach is too full. loss of appetite generally is psychological, such as stress, tension, emotion, or too saturated. In this case a good diet can only cope with the load of digestion, instead of addressing the psychological causes.

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