Here's Management of Dissociative Disorders

Here's Management of Dissociative Disorders

Dissociative disorders show, perhaps better than any other disorder, the possibility of the relevance of the theory of psychoanalysis. In three dissociative disorder, amnesia, fugue and dissociative identity disorder, sufferers exhibit behaviors that are very convincingly shows that they are not able to access the various parts of life in the past is forgotten. Therefore, there is the hypothesis that there is a huge part of their lives that direpres.

Psychoanalytic therapy were chosen for dissociative disorders than other psychological problems. Goal to lift the repression into everyday law, achieved through the use of a variety of basic psychoanalytic techniques.

Treatment of dissociative identity disorder. Hypnotic commonly used in the treatment of dissociative identity disorder. In general, the idea is the painful memories of the recovery will be facilitated by recreating the situation assumed torture experienced by the patient. Generally a person is hypnotized and encouraged to restore their minds back to childhood events. The hope is that by accessing the traumatic memories will enable the persons concerned to realize that the dangers of childhood is now gone and that the life that now do not need to be controlled by the events of the past.

There are some widely agreed principles in the treatment of dissociative identity disorder, regardless of clinical orientation (Bower et al, 1971; Cady, 1985; Kluft, 1985, 1999; Ross, 1989). The goal is the integration of multiple personality. Each personality should be helped to understand that he is part of the people and personalities that appear by themselves.

The therapist must use the name of each personality just for comfort, not as a way to assert the existence of a separate and autonomous personality. The entire personality must be treated fairly. The therapist should encourage empathy and cooperation among the various personalities. Required softness and support related to childhood trauma that may have triggered the emergence of a variety of personalities.

The purpose of each approach to dissociative identity disorder should be to convince people that the splitting up into several different personalities is no longer necessary to deal with trauma, both past trauma that triggered the initial dissociation, trauma in the present or trauma in the future.

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