10 Beneficial Foods for Maintaining Healthy Skin and Prevent Wrinkles

Tight skin is the dream of all people, especially women. In addition to routine maintenance, you also need a balanced diet to have healthy skin. To prevent skin wrinkles, some foods are very beneficial when consumed. Most anti - wrinkle foods rich in antioxidants, which neutralize the effects of free radicals that attack collagen and elasticity of skin tissue.

Some of these habits can be anti- wrinkling skin : Drink 4-6 glasses of water every day, wearing sunglasses, a hat, and sunscreen when in the sun, and of course do not smoke. Here are some foods that are beneficial for maintaining healthy skin, especially the skin to prevent wrinkles :

1. Blueberries
Blueberries and other berries contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Eat one serving or 1/2 cup every day, if possible choose organic berries.

2. Salmon
Salmon and other cold water fish rich in omega - 3 fatty acids, which delays wrinkles by preventing inflammation and as a skin lubricant. Eat about 3 - ounce fish this type 1-3 times a week.

3. Vegetables or brightly colored fruit
Vegetables orange red or dark is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins A and E and bioflavonoids, which merit moisturize and heal your skin. Consumption of about 1 cup each day red peppers, carrots, beets, or similar colored vegetables, could be made fresh juice.

4. Onions, peel cucumber, green beans and strawberries
All these foods are rich in silica. Silica or known silicon dioxide (SiO2) is a mineral essential for healthy skin, serves to strengthen tissue, tendons, cartilage, muscles, hair and nails. Increased levels of silica, the elasticity of the skin will increase.

5. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is very good for the skin, which can also reduce the risk of cancer. Your body can better use of lycopene if eating tomatoes that have been cooked. Eat at least 1/2 cup of cooked tomatoes a day.

6. Guava, blackcurrant, red pepper, piterseli, kiwi and broccoli
These foods are rich in vitamin C. Thus, these foods contain high antioxidant, Vitamin C is an antioxidant considering the strongest. Eating fruits and vegetables will protect your skin from damage caused by oxidation. Not only help protect the resistance to oxidative stress and free radical damage as a result of physical stress, but vitamin C can also help prevent attacks on the mental stress.

7. Papaya
Very good for the skin . Papaya thoroughly cleanse the body both inside and outside. In addition to reducing aging, fresh papaya juice is very beneficial for reducing acne and wrinkles on the face.

8. Garlic
Very powerful as an antiseptic. It helps delay wrinkles and restore damaged body cells. Garlic is also able to reduce high blood pressure, improving blood circulation to the heart and is very good for heart health.

9. Orange
Very rich in vitamin C, protect from constipation digestion. Besides working as a cleaner, improve skin, and boost the immune system.

10. Cucumber
Effect is very good for a cold cucumber inside and outside the body. If eaten regularly, cucumbers can reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol.

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