

Inflammation is the response of an organism against pathogens and mechanical alterations in tissue, in the form of a series of reactions that occur at the site of tissue injury, such as burns, or infected. Inflammation is one of the main response of the immune system against infection and irritation. Inflammation is stimulated by chemical factors (histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins) are released by cells that act as inflammatory mediators in the immune system to protect surrounding tissue from the spread of infection.

Inflammation has three important role in resistance to infection:
  • Allows the addition of effector molecules and cells, to the site of infection to improve the performance of macrophages.
  • Provides barrier to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Sparked the repair process for damaged tissue ..

Inflammatory response can be recognized from the pain, skin bruising, fever, etc., caused by changes in blood vessels in the area of infection:
  • Enlargement of the diameter of blood vessels, accompanied by an increase in blood flow in the area of infection. It can cause skin looks bruising redness and decreased blood pressure, especially in small vessels.
  • Activation of adhesion molecules to glue endotelia with blood vessels.
  • The combination of a drop in blood pressure and activation of adhesion molecules, will allow white blood cells to the endothelium and migrate into the tissue. This process is known as extravasation.

Parts of the body become inflamed have the following signs:
  • tumor or swelling
  • calor or warmed
  • dolor or pain
  • rubor or flushed
  • functio laesa or downward movement power.
and the possibility of organ or tissue dysfunction.

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