Clinical Manifestations of Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a condition in which the joint pain caused by mild inflammation arising from friction ends of the bones making up the joint . Consists of primary osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease , and secondary osteoarthritis caused by trauma or injury tropism .

In the joints , a cartilage tissue which is called by the name of cartilage usually closes the ends of the bones making up the joint . A layer of fluid called synovial fluid located between the bones and acts as a lubricant that prevents the ends of the bones rub against each other and scrape one another .

On the condition of lack of synovial fluid cartilage layer that covers the ends of bones will rub against each other . The friction will make the layer gets thinner and eventually will cause pain .

Clinical Manifestations of osteoarthritis, including:
  1. Pain in joints
    Is the primary image in osteoarthritis, the pain will increase when it is doing something physical activity.
  2. Stiffness and limited motion
    Usually lasts 15-30 minutes and occur after a break or when starting a physical activity.
  3. Inflammation
    Sinovitis secondary, a decrease of pH in body tissue, fluid collection in the joint space will lead to swelling and stretching mitered joints that all this will cause pain.
  4. Mechanical
    Pain will usually be more pronounced after long activity and will be reduced at rest. Maybe something to do with the circumstances that have advanced disease where the cartilage has been heavily damaged joints. Pain is usually located in the affected joint but can be spread, for example on coxae osteoarthritis pain can be felt in the knee, the lateril buttocks and upper leg. Pain can arise when cold, but it is not yet known cause.
  5. Swollen Joints
    Swelling of the joints is a reaction to inflammation caused by fluid collection in the joint space is usually palpable heat without milking.
  6. Deformity
    Caused by the local Liquor vulnerable joints.
  7. Disfunction
    Arise from the incompatibility between the bones forming the joint.
pathophysiology of osteoarthritis

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