Nursing Careers - Choosing The Right Path - Specializing For Helping People

by: Karen Williams

Choosing a nursing career can be a difficult choice for many who want to enter the nursing field. There are hundreds of various specialized fields for nurses depending on what they are interested in and what they find they can do when they are in nursing school. Some nurses discover that they simply can not work with children because it is too sad when they are terminally ill while others enjoy making these same kids as comfortable and as happy as they can towards the end of their life. Other nursing student enters into a field because a family or friend has suffered years from a debilitating disease and they want to know how to comfort and ease their suffering.

Nursing careers could start out in a clinic or doctors office and might not be exactly what an individual expected. There might be too much office politics or insurance 'red-tape' that prevents them from what they feel is the proper care for the patients. These nurses may be better suited for a position as a nurse lawyer, nurse advocate, nurse educator, nurse legislator or nurse life care planner. Each of these nursing positions deal with a patient in a different way, yet they all speak on behalf of the patients rights as a human being to be treated fairly and without exception.

If science is what drives your passion instead of the people portion of being a nurse, then perhaps you would be better suited for a career as a nursing researcher who would work alongside research doctors and scientists to discover what hidden secrets lie within the human body and how different medicines or combinations of treatments can unlock a persons healing power.

If you are the type of person who likes variety and don't want any two days to be the same, then consider becoming an ER nurse or an ambulatory nurse - who also could be a helicopter nurse. Everyday presents different people and challenges in terms of what will walk in the door next or where an ambulance will arrive at next. Everything from the common cold to a massive 20 car pile up on the freeway will come through the doors and everyone needs help, immediately. An ER nurse is working in a fast-paced style environment because they are dealing with life and death at a moments notice. They may be busy for hours on end and then not see a single patient for several hours or a whole day.

One of the largest growing nursing careers is in the trans-cultural nursing field. This is a field in which a nurse would help an individual or family from another country and with different cultural needs. The care is based on their specific physical, spiritual and emotional care needs and dictated by their cultural aspects.

The nursing careers are growing in the reproductive health fields as well because more and more people want to have their own children and advancements in infertility treatments are showing signs of improvement.

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