Tinnitus Treatment - Tips For Those Seeking Tinnitus Treatment

by: Carl Payne

If you suffer from a Tinnitus, then you know that finding an effective Tinnitus treatment would be tantamount to finding a pot of gold. The condition can bring you to the point where seemingly all you want out of life itself is a few shining moments of blissful, peaceful silence.

The one problem? It seems most Tinnitus treatments are pretty hit and miss. Of course, every person's body is different, so all treatments are going to have a certain element of "your mileage may vary" built into them. However, each of the top ten treatments do have their group of supporters who say that it was this method that was able to finally give them that blessed silence.

Let's take a look at what the top ten treatments for Tinnitus are:

1) White Noise - In some peoples' experience, white noise can block out the ringing effects of tinnitus, effectively canceling it out, so to speak. The problem with this approach is that, even if it works as promised, it's a logistical impossibility to feed white noise into your consciousness 24 hours a day.

2) Homeopathic Remedies - There are a variety of organic, or homeopathic, powders and mixtures which can be purchased at vegetarian markets and independent health stores. The reported success rates are mixed at best, but if you do go down this road, make sure that what you purchase and ingest is safe. Make sure you are dealing with a reputable brand. These types of pills and powders are not regulated by the FDA, remember, so the impetus is on the consumer to do their due diligence.

3) Lifestyle Adjustments - Steering clear of the lifestyle elements which can help cause Tinnitus - for instance, stress and loud noises - will also serve you well in attempting to treat it.

4) Blood Pressure Medication - There have been somewhat consistent reports of the symptoms of Tinnitus easing for people after they begin taking blood pressure medication. However, this could also be attributed to an overall decrease in stress levels.

5) Anti-Depressants - Although this hearkens back to the time when much of the medical profession dismissed Tinnitus as a mental illness, and so is an unpalatable solution for some, tricyclic anti-depressants have made some decent headway with the condition. Some examples of anti-depressants which have shown decent results are Nortriptyline and benzodiazepines.

6) Magnesium or Zinc Supplements - There is no empirical data to support the effectiveness of magnesium or zinc supplements, but there is anecdotal evidence as to their effectiveness.

7) Ginko Biloba - Like magnesium and zinc supplements, there are proponents of ginko biloba who say that it worked wonders for their cases of Tinnitus. However, there has never been a study performed, let alone an academic double blind study, so there is no hard evidence to back that up. Moreover, there is also a lot of anecdotal evidence from people who state that ginko biloba did nothing to help them.

8) Acupuncture - Acupuncture has been reported to have immediate dissipating effects on the ringing and buzzing in the ears of Tinnitus sufferers, and, in some cases, these effects have been long lasting - possibly due to a decrease in overall stress. There are some drawbacks, however. First of all, the Acupuncture must be continued for the relief to continue. Also, the idea of needles being stuck into their body is frightening to some people. Lastly, particularly if you are not from a metro area, it can be quite difficult to find a qualified and reputable acupuncturist.

9) Hypnosis - Again, hypnosis joins the ranks of the other treatments on the list which are supported by anecdotal success stories but not by any hard scientific proof. It makes sense that hypnosis would work as a Tinnitus treatment by addressing the underlying stress root cause, but there is no hard proof that there is any more to it than that.

10) Therapy - Cognitive therapy (in the common parlance, "talk therapy") is recommended for people dealing with Tinnitus to help deal with the emotional fallout of the condition. Some people experience emotional turmoil so severe that, combined with near complete lack of sleep, it can drive them almost to the point of psychotic break. And since stress is actually one of the triggers for Tinnitus, this of course only makes the ringing and buzzing louder, which in turn feeds the emotional turmoil even more - turning the whole thing into a viscious cycle.

You might be thinking that it seems as if none of the traditional Tinnitus treatments are completely effective. That's absolutely correct, as it happens. All of the treatments have varying levels of effect for different individuals, but each of them does have some success behind it.

As you know, there are many types of tinnitus, but the methods to get rid of tinnitus are not as easy as going to a doctor. Regardless of how critical your tinnitus is, there are many methods which will let you to learn to live with the condition and how to reduce tinnitus as well.

Trying to get to sleep or relax is one of the main problems for tinnitus sufferers. When all is quiet at nighttime, more focus is given to the sounds associated with tinnitus in common, certainly can deeply affect the individual, lead to a vicious cycle of the incapability to sleep and relax and raised stress levels. These 3 tips are some very effective methods that will explain how to cure tinnitus at home.

1. Use Sound Replacement

When you are trying to sleep, you may use a fan or some other environmental sound in the background. Some people discover that it is useful to leave the radio or television on at night, because the sound removes the bustling and ringing of the tinnitus, allowing them to zone out and fall asleep. For further relaxation, other available options on how to get rid of tinnitus at home involve playing tranquil CD's such as nature's song or birdsong, which will grant a duel part of blotting out the tinnitus and gently relaxing the mind.

2. Exercise is Benefit

Occasionally, tinnitus can be the result of tense muscularity, stress and bad circulation. Hence, if you can take plenty of exercises will help and keep blood circulating at an optimum rate and energize up muscle tone. It will allow the body to relax and help you to drift off to sleep. Linking to tinnitus, appropriated exercise is very helpful if you got overweight as well.

3. Changing Your Lifestyle

Many lifestyle factors which can increase the severity of tinnitus making the situation far worse than it needs to be. Try to avoid allergens wherever possible if you suffer from allergies and sinus problems. For example, keeping the home dust free, staying indoors when the pollen count is high, avoiding food and drink which contain high levels of sulphate and other preservatives, avoid foods with artificial flavors and colors, especially with MSG. Wear musician quality earplugs when you're in a hazardous environment such as concert, rather than those from a drug store.

Tinnitus can be very disruptive to your daily lifestyle. If it is, then there are a range of treatment methods for you to try. One of the newest on the scene is neuromonics tinnitus treatment. This article will tell you everything you need to know about this form of treatment.

Neuromonics tinnitus treatment resembles standard tinnitus retraining therapy in many ways. The goal of neuromonics is to remove the unpleasantness associated with the sounds of tinnitus. You will train your brain to ignore them. Although this treatment method is comparable to standard tinnitus retraining therapy, there are a few key differences. In the beginning stages, neuromonics utilizes masking to help you deal with your symptoms. This isn't the case with TRT.

You are supposed to wear a sound generator device with neuromonics tinnitus treatment. Unlike with TRT, the sound generator used with neuromonics resembles an MP3 player. Tinnitus retraining therapy uses a device that looks much like a hearing aid worn behind or inside your ear. With TRT, you will need to wear this device throughout the day while you're awake. If you take it off, you will easily notice the symptoms of your tinnitus. When undergoing neuromonics tinnitus treatment, you only need to wear this device up to four hours each day.

However, people who undergo this treatment will need a specialized schedule. The treatment requires you to have time to be by yourself for these four hours. This is because the treatment requires you to relax and have a calm heartbeat. You can't use this form of treatment while you're doing your daily routine.

Another difference between neuromonics tinnitus treatment and TRT is the type of noise generated to help you get used to your tinnitus signs. With tinnitus retraining therapy, white noise is used. Music is used with the former method. It's common for people to drop out of TRT because the white noise can seem strange. This isn't the case with neuromonics because most people enjoy the calming music. You will also need to undergo counseling when using neuromonics tinnitus treatment. The treatment method won't be effective without these counseling sessions. Treatment usually lasts about six months.

Neuromonics tinnitus treatment is one of the newer methods used to treat the condition. If you meet the requirements, then it can really help relive the symptoms of the condition. An alternate option is standard tinnitus retraining therapy, but there are a few key differences between the two.

Getting to the most effective forms of tinnitus management

The use of lipoflavinoids tinnitus treatment will continue to grow as people look for solutions that enhance the quality of life that they are leading. The natural approach relies on supplements which diminish the constant noises which are a challenge for patients. The fact that there are limited side effects to the treatment means that natural enthusiasm for it is growing at very high rates. Patients have typically referred to the condition as being some form of torment which takes over the natural days and turns them into a veritable nightmare.

Treatment programs for tinnitus cannot come soon enough

With the use of lipoflavinoids tinnitus treatment, it is possible to bring down the head noises which can become an absolute nightmare for the patient. Irritation is one of the effects associated with the condition and it might lead the patient into difficult circumstances whereby they need to constantly harness calming measures. In practical terms this might imply that they are not easy to live with. The urgency of the treatment program is related to the fact that the quality of life that the patient leads can be seriously affected. They can suffer from insomnia and headaches.

The benefits of getting treatment for tinnitus

If you decide to follow the lipoflavinoids tinnitus treatment program you will get crystal clear hearing in return. This can be important for your job as well as the social situations which you are faced with. In addition the treatment program will ensure that you get balance in your body since the ear system is related to your ability to keep balance. The restored sense of a good life can also improve your social relationships. It might be the first step that you take into enjoying a full and fruitful life. These are the kinds of considerations that should not be ignored.

Diligence whilst using the tinnitus treatment

Patients are advised to be consistent when using the lipoflavinoids tinnitus treatment program. There is a temptation to stop the treatment once you get some relief from the symptoms. If you do this then there is a high risk that the symptoms will return to torment you. Elderly patients tend to benefit from this treatment program but it can cover the gaps that are left by the alternatives which are unable to restore hearing. The end result is that the doctors may give on the patient. This therapy can be the last chance that saves them.

Sticking to the natural solutions for tinnitus

When you decide to apply lipoflavinoids tinnitus treatment, the results that you get will not be spoilt by the feeling that you are sitting on a bunch of chemicals which could be potentially damaging. This is an organic approach to the condition which has been widely praised by the people that understand how the issues are handled. In the end you can make a difference to the quality of life that you lead without swallowing pills on a constant basis.

My fight with tinnitus is a story of ups and downs and a search for a natural treatment for tinnitus. I was a musician for many years and this lead to the ringing of ears that many of us deal with. The condition progressed to a loud ringing even after I'd given up music as my main occupation. I sought help from my doctor and was given drugs such as nicotinic acid, baciofen, lidocaine and others.

The relief they gave was short lived and the side affects were not pleasant. Not being a big believer in prescription drugs, the search was on for alternative or natural treatments for my condition. Here are some of the natural remedies that many tinnitus sufferers have found effective.

1. Vitamins B-1, B-3(Niacin), and B-12 have all been found to be low in people suffering from tinnitus. A regimen of vitamin therapy has been found to give some who suffer from ringing of the ears relief.

2. Minerals such as Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium and Maganese have been found to helpful in dealing with tinnitus.

3. A belief now prevalent in the medical field is that tinnitus may be caused by reduced oxygen flow to the inner ear. Studies have shown that pure oxygen treatment under high air pressure can increase oxygen saturation in the inner ear up to 500%.

This therapy is in common use in European countries for the management of sudden hearing loss and noise-induced hearing loss and their results have been positive. It's been shown to also bring dramatic healing to tinnitus patients also.

4. Herbal treatment for tinnitus has been shown to lessen the degree of noise that's heard constantly. Gingko Biloba has been used by the Chinese for centuries to treat various ailments and is now thought to be an effective natural treatment for tinnitus. Many studies have shown that ginkgo increases circulation in the brain and that this helps relieve the suffering of those with tinnitus.

As with most tinnitus remedies, many people swear by ginkgo while others say they can tell no difference in their condition.

Black Cohosh is a plant used to treat muscle pains and cramps and it has a mildly relaxing effect also.

Herbalists treat anxiety, nervousness and tinnitus with cohosh. It's interesting that anxiety and nervousness are common side effects of chronic tinnitus. I know that I was highly anxious after getting no sleep and feeling down and tired after a night of loud ringing in my ears.

5. There are other therapies being used to treat tinnitus such as vibrational therapy that is helping many people.

I've found that many of the above treatments and regular meditation have helped me.

The prolonged ringing sound heard in the ears is termed as tinnitus. It is a symptom and not a disease. There is no clear evidence predicting the happening of tinnitus. There are plenty of reasons available for tinnitus. Tinnitus treatments are also of different types. Avoiding exposure to loud sound for a long period will be wise idea to stay away from the tinnitus.

Let us discuss the tinnitus treatments which are handy in curing the tinnitus. Acupuncture is one of the tinnitus treatment methods. It provides temporary relief. Using this therapy heavy use of anti-depressants can be reduced.

Stress reduction is another tinnitus treatment. Beating the stress helps to make us more active and energetic. Attending classes like yoga and meditation could be a excellent option to treat tinnitus.

Electrical stimulation methods are another choice for the tinnitus treatment. It uses electrodes to pass the different volumes frequency to produce the relief. Electrical stimulation produces the desired result with some side effects. The side effects may include pain, and unable to smell things would be another side effect.

Garlic, kelp and sea vegetables have to be must in your diet. A special herb called Ginkgo biloba is taken to reduce dizziness and improving the blood circulation in the ears. These are some of the home remedy for tinnitus.

Drugs and nutrients method are performed using the Ginkgo bilabo, which is a herb used to improve the immune system and circulation of ears. Lidociane, used to suppress the tinnitus for 20 minutes, Melatonin is given to the persons those who suffer from the sleeping disturbance. Tinnitus relief is essential as the persons affected by it will experience mental depression and stress.

If you do enough research on the subject of tinnitus treatment you will soon discover that there actually is no conventional remedy available. It is an established fact that the medical fraternity and the scientific community has thus far been unable to come up with a successful tinnitus treatment using conventional drugs and medicines. While it is recognized that using vitamin and herbal therapies do help with tinnitus relief, this particular remedy does not address the primary cause of the tinnitus problem and is thus not really a permanent solution. Tinnitus is an annoying and potentially devastating condition for which there is, at this time, no cure.

Masking Treatments

That being said, there are several remedies available that help with this condition and make it more tolerable. These are divided into three groups: maskers, homeopathic or natural, and medical. The first is masking, which isn't really a tinnitus treatment at all, but is a way to provide temporary relief. This involves masking the tinnitus with other sounds like recordings of running water, music or white noise. Some even get help by listening to the radio all night.

Homeopathic Treatments

Natural treatments would include diet, homeopathy, herbal therapy, relaxation and meditation and reflexology. Homeopathic treatments are most certainly the safest and gentlest of all natural treatments for tinnitus. With natural treatments, there is a bigger chance to find a treatment that is perfectly suited for your type of tinnitus since all the symptoms are taken into consideration and almost all types of tinnitus have a working homeopathic treatment. Even though the medical community has had little success with a cure, many victims report great results have been obtained using homeopathic tinnitus treatment plus herbal or vitamin based therapies to relieve tinnitus.

Medical Treatments

Before medical treatment is begun, a doctor has to determine the cause of the tinnitus and to make sure there are no significant medical conditions that are responsible. However, some people with tinnitus may require surgical treatment. Benzodiazipines (valium, xanax, etc) are the only medically approved tinnitus treatment for this condition, and it should be noted that several of the listed medical treatments may have serious side-effects.

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