3 Factors that Causes of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs where the pulmonary acini fluid filled inflammation with or without infiltration of inflammatory cells into the walls of the alveoli, and interstitium cavity. (anatomically may arise or lobularis lobar pneumonia / bronchopneumonia.

Note several factors that influence the occurrence of pneumonia are:

1. Lung defense mechanisms

Lung attempted to remove a variety of organisms are inhaled as dust particles and other materials that build up in the lungs. Some forms of this mechanism include: respiratory tract anatomical shape, cough reflex, mukosilier system, phagocytosis system also performed by certain cells by eating particles that reach the surface of the alveoli.

When the function is running well, then the infectious material that may be issued dare infectious respiratory tract, resulting in a healthy person would not be a serious infection. Recurrent respiratory tract infections caused by various components of the defense system of the lung is not working properly.

2 Bacterial colonization in respiratory tract

In the upper respiratory tract many bacteria that are causal. When their numbers increase and reach a sufficient concentration, the bacteria then enter the lower respiratory tract and lungs, and due to the failure of airway clearance mechanisms of this situation will manifest as disease.

Microorganisms that can not stick to the mucosal surface of the respiratory tract will join with respiratory secretions and carried away with cleaning mechanism, so there is no colonization. Annealing of organisms on the mucosal surface of the respiratory tract depends on the microorganism recognition system by cell eputel.

3. Cleaning respiratory tract against infectious material
Lower respiratory tract and lungs repeatedly penetrated by various microorganisms from the upper respiratory tract, but does not cause pain, it indicates the existence of an efficient defense mechanism of the lung so it can be swept clean of microorganisms before they multiply and cause disease.

Lung defense against things that are dangerous and infectious form of reflex cough, constriction of the airways with bronchial smooth muscle contraction at the beginning of the process of inflammation, also aided by the humoral immune response.

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