Psychological and Behavioral Disorders In Dementia

Psychological and Behavioral Disorders In Dementia

Dementia is a condition where a person experiences a decrease in the ability of memory and thinking power, and a decrease in the ability to interfere with the function of everyday life. Form of disorder is striking that the decline in full behavior called social behavior (social skills) and this behavior can be broken down further into:
  • ADL (Activity of Daily Living) is the ability of a person to take care of himself) begins from waking to sleep, bathing, dressing and so on until it goes to sleep again, substantially all the activities to take care of their own needs.
  • Occupational behavior is behavior that is conducted one to run for his life work and earn a living, ie school, work, organization, religious practices, spend leisure time.
  • Social participation that a person's behavior to comply with the obligations of living in a society such as members of the community, such as care ID card, driver's license, social organization, attending invitations and so on.

In general, the symptoms seen in dementia are:
  • Disruption of memory functions are more and more severe, especially short-term memory. Memories of the past still remain well and survive.
  • Disruption of the function of thinking include: aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or executive dysfunction.
  • Decline in memory function and the power of thought is causing harm to the function of daily life (bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, bowel / small, etc.)
  • The longer the more severe disturbance.

The actions that should be done when faced with patients with dementia are as follows:

1. Drug therapy with a doctor's supervision

2. Non-drug therapies, such as:

Environmental intervention
Behavior intervention
Psychological intervention

3 Other therapies:

Religious activities
Develop an existing hobby like painting, cooking, playing music, gardening, photography

Environmental Intervention:
  • Physical adjustment (room shape, color, equipment available)
  • Adjustment time (regular schedule)
  • Environmental adjustment evening (warm bath, sleep regularly)
  • Adjustment senses (eyes, ears)
  • adjustment nutrition (eating food with balanced nutrition)

Behavioral Intervention:

1. Wandering:
  • Reassure patients whereabouts
  • Give freedom to move inside and outside the room
  • Identification bracelet.

2. Agitation and Aggressiveness:
  • Avoid situations that provoke
  • Avoid arguments
  • Our attitude calm and steady
  • Turn the attention to other things.
3. Attitudes and recurring question:
  • Relax, listen well, replied with understanding. If you still repeat, ignore and try to divert attention to the things that attract patients.

4. Sexual behavior is not appropriate / reasonable:
  • Calm and patient guided his personal chamber.
  • Switch to things that caught his attention.
  • When found naked, give clothes / blankets to cover his body. Re wearing aids.

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