How to Care for Cholera
Cholera is a disease of acute intestinal tract infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria enter the body through contaminated food or drink. The bacteria secrete enterotoxin ( poison ) in the intestinal tract so that there is an acute diarrhea accompanied by vomiting and great, consequently a person in just a few days to lose a lot of fluids and get in on. If dehydration is not treated immediately, it will continue towards hypovolemic and metabolic acidosis in a relatively short time and can cause death if treatment is inadequate. Giving ordinary drinking water will not help much, cholera patients requiring intravenous fluids or sugar and salt in the form of intravenous fluid mix of both. The spread of cholera Cholera can spread as an endemic disease, epidemic, or pandemic. Although many large scale studies conducted, but the condition of this disease remains a challenge for modern medicine. Vibrio cholerae bacteria multiply and spread through feaces of man, when...