Clinical Manifestations of Myocardial Infarction

Clinical Manifestations of Myocardial Infarction

  1. Chest pain that occurs suddenly and constantly not subside, usually above the sternal region and upper abdomen, this is the main symptom.
  2. The severity of pain can increase settled until unbearable pain.
  3. Pain is very ill, such as punctured-pin that can spread to the shoulder and continued down to the arm (usually the left arm).
  4. The pain started spontaneously (not occur after activity or emotional disturbance), persist for several hours or days, and do not disappear with the help of rest or nitroglycerin (NTG).
  5. Pain may spread to the jaw and neck.
  6. Pain is often accompanied by shortness of breath, pale, cold, severe diaphoresis, dizziness or head was floating, and nausea and vomiting.
  7. Patients with diabetes mellitus will not experience severe pain because of neuropathy that accompany diabetes can interfere neuroreseptor (collect the experience of pain).

Laboratory examination Examination of cardiac enzymes :
    Isoenzymes found in heart muscle increased by between 4-6 hours, peaks in 12-24 hours, returned to normal within 36-48 hours.
  2. LDH / HBDH
    Increases in the 12-24 hour time-consuming dams to return to normal
  3. AST
    Increases (less real / special) occurred within 6-12 hours, culminating in 24 hours, returning to normal within 3 or 4 days

ECG ECG changes that occur in the early phase of T wave height and symmetrical. After this there is ST segment elevation. Changes that occur later are the presence of a wave of Q / QS which indicate the presence of necrosis.

Pain scores according to White:

  1. = Do not experience pain
  2. = Pain on one side without disturbing activities
  3. = More pain at one place and resulted in disruption of activities, such as difficulty getting out of bed, hard to bend the head and others.

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