Complications of COPD

Complications of COPD
  1. Hipoxemia
    Hipoxemia defined as a decrease in PaO2 values ​​less than 55 mmHg, with oxygen saturation values ​​<85%. At first the client will experience changes in mood, decreased concentration and forgetfulness. At the advanced stage resulting cyanosis.
  2. Respiratory Acidosis
    Arise as a result of the increased value of PaCO2 (hypercapnia). Signs that arise include: headache, fatigue, lethargi, dizzines, tachipnea.
  3. Respiratory Infections
    Acute respiratory infections are caused by increased production of mucus, increased bronchial smooth muscle stimulation and mucosal edema. Lack of air flow will increase the incidence of breath and dyspnea.
  4. Heart Failure
    Especially right heart failure due to lung disease, should be observed particularly in clients with severe dyspnea. This complication often associated with chronic bronchitis, but clients with severe emphysema can also experience this problem.
  5. Cardiac Dysrhythmias
    Arise as a result of hipoxemia, other heart diseases, drug effects or respiratory acidosis.
  6. Status Asmatikus
    Is a major complication associated with bronchial asthma. This disease is very severe, potentially life-threatening and often do not respond to usual therapy is given. Use of auxiliary respiratory muscles and distended neck veins are often visible.

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