Adjustment Disorders Definition and Treatment

Adjustment Disorders


Adjustment disorder maladaptive reaction to short-term is the so-called ordinary people as a personal misfortune or the so-called psychiatric clinicians as psychosocial stressors.

Adjustment disorder triggered by one or more stressors. Severity of stressors does not always predict the severity of disturbance. Psychoanalytic research has emphasized the role of mother and child rearing environment. Core in understanding the nature of adjustment disorder is a stressor, conscious and unconscious meanings of stressors, and vulnerability of the patient.


Psychotherapy remains the treatment of choice for adjustment disorders. Group therapy can be very useful. This type of brief therapy, crisis intervention intended to assist people with adjustment disorders resolve the situation quickly with supportive techniques, suggestions, penentraman, environmental modifications, and even hospitalization. Flexibility is important in this approach.

Patients may respond to antianxiety drugs or antidepressants, depending on the type of disorder. When severe anxiety may be used small doses of antipsychotic medication. Patients with manifestations of withdrawal may benefit from medication briefly psychostimulants.

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