Definition and Causes of Diphtheria

Diphtheria (Tropical Infectious Diseases in Children)

Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by germs suddenly Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Contagious and attacks mainly the upper airway with the typical signs of pseudomembranous and the release of exotoxin that can cause symptoms of general and local. Transmission is generally through the air, a droplet infection, but it can be through contaminated food or objects. Period of 2-7 days bud.


Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a Gram-positive bacteria are polymorphs, not moving, and do not form spores. There are three types of basil, which is the form of gravis, mitis, and intermedius. Basil can be formed:

pseudomembranous difficult lifted, bleed easily, and grayish-white color that covers the affected area; composed of fibrin, leukocytes, necrotic tissue, and basil.
exotoxin is highly malignant and can poison the network after a few hours absorbed and provides a typical picture of the network changes, especially in cardiac muscle, kidney, and nerve tissue. Minimum lethal dose (MLD) of this toxin was 0.02 ml.

Schick test is to check to find out someone has apaklah containing antitoxin. With antitoxin titers 0.03 units per ml of blood sufficient to withstand military diphtheria infection. For this investigation used a dose 1 / 50 MLD intrakutan given in the form of a diluted solution of 0.1 ml. On the one containing no antitoxin will arise vesicles at injection site and disappear after a few weeks. On that contain low antitoxin titers, Schick test may be positive; the injection site occur brownish red color in 24 hours. Schick test negative to say if they do not get any reaction at the injection site and is found in people with immunity or contain antitoksiri high. False positive result from an allergic reaction to antitoxin proteins that will disappear within 72 hours.

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