All About Nurses


Nanda Nursing Diagnosis List 2011

List of NANDA Nursing diagnosis Accepted for Use and Research Divided into 13 domains and 47 classes, below the full list of 13 Domains and 47 classes NANDA Nursing diagnosis. And complete list of NANDA Nursing diagnosis based on alphabetical order.Domains Health PromotionsHealth awarenessHealth managementDomains nutrition’singestiondigestionAbsorptionMetabolismHydrationDomains Elimination/exchangeUrinary SystemGastrointestinal...

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis 2008

Source: NANDA Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions and Classification, 2007–2008. Philadelphia: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. Used with permission.Activity IntoleranceActivity Intolerance,Risk for Airway Clearance,Ineffective AnxietyAnxiety, DeathAspiration, Risk forAttachment, Parent/Infant/Child, Risk for ImpairedAutonomic Dysreflexia Autonomic Dysreflexia, Risk for Blood Glucose, Risk for Unstable Body Image, DisturbedBody...

Nursing Care Plan

Nursing Care Plan Ineffective Airway Clearance

Definition: Inability to clear secretions or obstructions from the respiratory tract to maintaina clear airwayRELATED FACTORSEnvironmentalSmoking; secondhand smoke; smoke inhalationObstructed airwayRetained secretions; secretions in the bronchi; exudate in the alveoli; excessive mucus; airway spasm; foreign body in airway; presence of artificial airwayPhysiologicalChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); asthma; allergic...

Diabetes Mellitus Nursing Care Plan, Diagnosis and Intervention

Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention for Diabetes MellitusNursing Diagnosis for Diabetes MellitusImpaired tissue perfusion related to weakening / decreased blood flow to the area gangrene due to obstruction of blood vessels.Integrity of the tissue disorder related to gangrene in the extremities.Nursing Intervention for Diabetes Mellitus1....

Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis and Intervention Anxiety | Nursing Care Plan Peptic Ulcer

Nursing Diagnosis Anxiety Nursing Care Plan Peptic Ulcerrelated to the nature and management of long-term illness.Goal: Decrease AnxietyNursing Intervention Anxiety Nursing Care Plan Peptic UlcerEncourage clients to express their problems and fears and ask questions as needed.R /: Open communication helps clients develop a relationship of trust that helps reduce anxiety and stress.Explain the reasons for obeying the planned treatment...

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