Clinical Manifestations of Cystitis

Half of the patients found to have bacteria in the urine (bacteriuria) does not show symptoms. Signs and symptoms of cystitis include frequent pain and burning sensation when urinating, sometimes accompanied by spasms in the bladder and suprapubic area hematuria and back pain can also occur.

While in non-infectious type is characterized by fever, irritable voiding symptoms (frequent urination, nocturia, urgency, feeling depressed at the suprapubic area, pain when the bladder is full) and primarily characterized by loss of bladder capacity. Pain may occur in the abdomen or perineum, or spread to the groin.

In patients with Cystitis, these symptoms often appear :
  • Dysuria
  • Heartburn as a burning sensation during urination
  • There is pain in the lower spine
  • Urgency (a sense of urgency when urinating)
  • Nocturia (frequent urination tended at night due to decreased bladder capacity)
  • Emptying of the bladder is not perfect
  • Incontinence
  • Retention
  • Supra pubic pain

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