Elimination Needs Fulfillment

Elimination Needs Fulfillment - Fulfillment elimination comprises elimination needs alvi (associated with defecation) and uri elimination needs (related to urination). In meeting the demand elimination, is in need supervision on the problems associated with a bowel disorders, such as: obstipasi, incontinence, urinary retention, and others. The disorder can disrupt daily activity patterns.

To meet the needs of elimination, there are some nursing procedures that can be done, including meeting the needs of elimination alvi with bedpans in patients who are unable to do so independently, did huknah low, high huknah, glycerin per-rectal administration, manual evacuation of stool, to meet the needs of elimination urine with a urinal, in patients who are not able to perform independently and the installation of condom catheter

Bedpan for defecation

Nursing actions are performed on clients who are unable to meet the needs of elimination alvi independently to the bathroom, done using the potty (placeholder)


Meet the needs of alvi elimination.

Tools and Materials

Clean water
Skrin (sampiran) when the patient is cared for in general wards

Work Procedures

Explain the procedure to be performed on the patient, then put sampiran when patients cared for in general wards
Wash hands
Use gloves
Attach pengalas under glutea
Place the potty in the upper right under glutea pengalas with the position of the chamber pot holes just below the anus. At the time of putting the potty, instruct the patient to lift glutea area (if the patient is able) to make it easier to put the potty
Once the position just below glutea potty, ask the patient about the comfort position. Maintain patient privacy during the procedure
Instruct the patient to defecate in place / chamber pots that have been installed
When finished, flush the anus and surrounding area with water to clean with the help of a gloved hand, then dry with a tissue
Wash hands after procedure
Record the date of defecation, stool characteristics such as: number, consistency, color, odor and the response of the patient during the procedure

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