Use of Urinal

Use of Urinal. Following are the proper procedures for handling a urinal for a male patient (figure 1-15).

(1) Raise or level the bed as necessary. For example, some patients may desire to have the head of the bed raised. Others may require the knee part of the bed to be lowered or level.

(2) Bring the urinal to the patient inserted in a paper cover. Screen the patient and give the urinal directly to him, placing the cover on the seat of the chair.

(3) Assist the patient as needed; for example, adjust his pajama trousers or position the urinal. Instruct the patient to signal when finished. Be sure that he understands that he must never place the urinal on his bedside cabinet. This is for esthetics and sanitary reasons.

(4) On signal, return promptly, bringing a basin of warm water. Remove the urinal from the bed. Assist the patient to wash his hands.

(5) Note the color and amount of urine before discarding it. If an output record is kept, measure and record the amount and time voided on DD Form 792, Intake and Output Worksheet. If the appearance of the urine seems abnormal, save a specimen for the doctor to observe.

(6) Follow the routine procedure for cleansing and storing the urinal.

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