The Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids


Hemorroids is swollen blood vessel of the rectum. These veins are located in the lowest area of the rectum and the anus.

Types of Hemorrhoids

1. Internal Hemorrhoids - where hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum. Usually painless. When you strain to have a bowel movement, sometimes internal hemorrhoids are pushed out from the rectum. Most people will not realize that they have internal hemorrhoids unless it bleeds or prolapses.

2. External Hemorrhoids locate around the anus. If they develop thrombose, they could cause itchiness and could be extremely painful and uncomfortable. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are clotted blood and appear as hard lump on the anus area. They could be inflamed, swollen and cause pain.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

1. Constipation
Constipation is the main cause of hemorrhoids. This causes bowel movements to put strain on the rectal area, thereby putting pressure on the blood vessels and causing swelling and irritation. Strained bowel movements can cause bleeding from the blood vessels in the rectal area as well. Preventing constipation is an important step in preventing and minimizing the effects of hemorrhoids.

2. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the next leading cause of hemorrhoids. Pregnancy can also cause an increase in the pressure of the blood vessels in the rectal area. Hormonal changes are known to make blood vessels work harder which can cause swelling and irritation. Hemorrhoids due to pregnancy are usually temporary, but can be an important consideration in becoming pregnant.

3. Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Chronic Venous Insufficiency is occurs when the blood vessels in the area of the rectum are weakened, causing pressure, swelling and irritation. The pressure can be magnified with sitting or standing for long periods. Exercise and smoking in concert with CVI can cause irritation of the rectal blood vessels for those that are overweight.

The Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Most of the natural remedies for hemorrhoids are very easy to make and they are cheaper than making a visit to your physician and then getting prescription medications. Several home remedies may also help in preventing further occurrences of hemorrhoids in the future.

Avoid Further Irritation

1. Pick the right toilet paper, because they contain irritants and can scratch the hemorrhoids which will make the problem worse. Get toilet paper that does not contain perfume, chemicals, coloring, or any kind of irritants and you can dampen it before application so that you can be sure.

2. Do not scratch. This urge to scratch is natural but this can damage the veins in the rectum and intensify the problem.

3. Heavy lifting, straining, exercises, and athletics can be the same as the situation when you are on the toilet. Avoid heavy physical exercise because this may cause further bleeding and pain.

4. Make a hot sitz bath. Soak yourself in a hot water tub which is 3 or 4 inches higher because this can help in improving the blood flow to certain areas and heal the veins which are swollen.

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