12 Tips for a Rewarding Nursing Career

Every once in a while it's a good idea to take stock of your life and your career, and take steps to get yourself back on track or even change direction if that is what is needed.

Here are 12 things you can do for yourself, as a nurse, to make your career more fulfilling and to avoid nurse burnout:

Nurse stress management is a must. Learn techniques that work well for you and use them routinely.

Managing your time efficiently and effectively is vital. Become organized, stay on top of things, and do not procrastinate!

Replenish yourself. Make time for yourself and do it often! Nursing is a demanding/giving profession. If you have given all you have to give, then you have nothing left for yourself, and you can't continue to give - you'll have nurse burnout.

Nursing is a lifelong learning process. Use your continuing education opportunities to stay up to date with your selected field and to learn and hone new skills. Secondly, make sure to learn something about other fields of nursing whenever you can. Know your options and keep them open.

Nurses are overachievers. Strive for excellence and set the bar high. Do not settle for mediocrity. Encourage others to do the same.

Be a nurse mentor. Help those around you to strive for and achieve excellence as well. Always being a nurse mentor throughout your career is the key to providing excellent quality care with the best possible outcomes.

Be a sponge. Learn from others. Pick up on their tips and tricks and then share them with others.

Always be a part of the solution and not part of the problem. Get involved in strategic planning for your workplace and help to make it a better place.

Be a good TEAM player. Be a nurse leader when you need to be and a nurse supporter always. There is no “I” in TEAM. Be good role model to others who “just don’t get it,” and help them to become team players too.

Learn your limitations and how and when to say "No." Respect yourself and always set a good example for others. It’s simply not possible to say “yes” every time and not get burned out!

Remind yourself often WHY you became a nurse.

Encourage others to become nurses and to strive for excellence.

Nursing is one of the most rewarding careers you can find, but it is also physically and emotionally demanding and draining. Take time for yourself so that you have something more to give when it is needed. And when you find yourself stressed and burning out, remind yourself why you became a nurse.

Nurses, do you have any tips to add? Please leave a comment below!

About the Author: Kathy Quan, RN, BSN, PHN is an accomplished writer and author of four books including: The Everything New Nurse Book and 150 Tips and Tricks for New Nurses. Kathy has been in the nursing profession for over thirty years, and is very passionate about patient education and mentoring new nurses.

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