5 Simple Movement to Relieve Neck Pain

Simple Movement to Relieve Neck Pain

Not a few people who experience stress both physically and emotionally after an exhausting routine throughout the day . This is sometimes trigger pain or stiffness in some parts of the body such as the neck . Yes , pain in the neck , especially the more experienced of the job requires that she sit for long in a chair for the completion of their duties.

If you include people who often suffer from neck pain , there are some simple tips to overcome them , without the need for special equipment . These tips in the form of simple movements are considered quite effective in relieving stiffness around the neck , and even helpful for maintaining concentration .

Simple movements that can relieve neck pain

1 Lift the shoulder
The first motion you have to do is raise both shoulders . Taking a deep breath , lift your shoulders up to the ears approach for approximately 3 seconds . After that , dropping shoulder throw napa . Repeat this 5 times .

2 Tilt the head
Gently tilt the head to the right . Drop your right ear towards right shoulder . When it reaches the maximum point , do the same movement on the next side ( left ) . Repeat 5 times , respectively , but not necessarily for long .

3 Chest Stretch
Put your hands on the waist , then take a deep breath . Exhale slowly , keep your head up above the chin touches the chest . At the same time , Grit scapula ( the back ) so that the chest becomes interested and stretch .

4. Nod
Keep your chin to your chest slowly for about 3 seconds . Make sure that only the neck that moves , do not involve the upper back . After that, hold your head again , then Tilt up the muscles in the throat area tertari . Do this up to 5 times , but not necessarily for long .

5. Massage own .
The last step you can do is massage your own shoulders . Put your left hand on the right shoulder , then tilt your head to the left . Shoulder massage lightly in spots sore , do it slowly . If it is convenient , repeat this movement on the other side .

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