5 Ways to Eliminate Neck Pain

An easy way to eliminate pain in the neck. Pain in the neck will usually be very disturbing our activities. This is caused by many things some of which are one bedroom and also a state of mind that stress. Excessive neck pain is usually fatal and cause the neck is difficult to be moved.

Neck pain relief tricky, if any action will be more dangerous for you. It is therefore very important for you to practice some easy ways to eliminate neck pain.

1. Lift the shoulder.
Shrugged the first motion you have to do. Raising both shoulders pull a deep breath. Lift and drop your shoulders as high as possible while simultaneously wasting your breath.

2. Tilt the head.
Other movements are slow, tilt head to the right. Furthermore drop right ear toward the right shoulder, if it has a maximum, the same action on the next side (left). Repeat 5 times, respectively, but no need for long and not be forced.

3. Stretch the chest.
This movement can be done by putting your hands on the waist, then take a deep breath. After that slowly exhale, keep your head until chin touches upper chest. At the same time, Grit scapula (the back) so that the chest becomes interested and stretch.

4. Nod.
Nodding motion by way of bow chin to chest slowly for about 3 seconds. But make sure only the neck that moves, do not involve the upper back. After that, hold your head again, then Tilt up the muscles in the throat area. Do this up to 5 times, but not necessarily for long.

5. Massage own.
You can also naturally massaging your shoulders and your neck. Massage gently and do not be too hard to avoid whiplash.

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