10 Tips For Your Heart Health

If we read the writings of Jennifer Mieres, MD - An expert in the heart of the American Heart Association (AHA), which states that Heart Health will be greatly influenced by how we train and increase heart rate. This article will summarize my time 10 Tips for maintaining cardiovascular health, with reference to the above statement.

10 Tips For Your Heart Health
All exercises involved here is not to be done in the gym, but you can do anywhere, whether at home, at work or while playing with your family.
  1. Do light aerobic exercise a minimum of 30-60 minutes each day. This exercise does not mean you got to the gym, just to go up / down stairs, walking fast, or anything that can increase heart rate.
  2. Activities such as jogging, swimming, and can also be coupled with yoga, are also very useful.
  3. Do not spoil yourself. Routine daily activities also can you make rehearsal heart, for example; park the vehicle in a position far enough away from your office (of course find a safe location), pick up the stairs rather than the elevator or escalator, walk to lunch location and instead of going up the vehicle. You can also perform routine activities at home such as sweeping, mopping and walk around your house. The more you choose light activity but this routine, your heart will be trained and healthy.
  4. If you have the time and of course there is money to be set aside, please follow classes in the gym and follow the activities of at least 3 times a week on a regular basis.
  5. As a complement to the exercise in point 1 above, you can increase the intensity by adding weight training exercises. This exercise is not directly related to your heart, but it can be useful to keep the muscles and bones, especially for those who are at the age of 40 years upwards.
  6. Stay away from cigarettes, which have been shown to adversely affect the heart and circulatory system in your body. Smoking can lead to stroke and high blood pressure. No matter how much you've smoked so far, if you stop the direct risks above can be lowered to 50%. Remember ... !!! smoking at the age of 35 years and over, especially in women are particularly at risk.
  7. Stay away from foods that contain fat, cholesterol and salt. Saturated fat and trans fat is the enemy of our health. If you read the product labeled "partially hydrogenated", it means the food contains trans fat. Stay away from the product. Foods such as meat, fried foods, margarine, most types of bread, crackers, snack packaging, all of which contain bad fats. Highly recommended to consume fruits and vegetables at least 5-10 times a day. This will not only prevent heart disease, but also reduce the risk of cancer. Also the consumption of foods containing Omega 3 fatty acids.
  8. Know what your ideal weight, and try to achieve it. Overweight dangerous to the heart are also at risk for developing diabetes. Your waist circumference can also be a benchmark to determine this obesity. If the waist circumference of more than 100 centimeters or approximately 40 inches for men and 90 cm or 35 inches for women, we can be sure you are over-weight or obese.
  9. Stay away from stress and depression, and keep the intensity of your sleep. We've heard the need for sleep is 8 hours a day, but that has not received much attention is the regularity. Regular sleep means, always sleeping and waking up at the same hour. Do not be tempted to stay up at the end of the week, and also do not sleep because the eye was sleepy, while the hours of sleep you have not achieved.
  10. All of them have been perfect, if you always do a check-up routine. Check blood pressure, cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. The third test will inform you how high your risk of heart disease as early as possible.
All of these tips are very simple, but it requires discipline and a great desire to comply. Hopefully this article useful. :)

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