10 Types of Fruit for Heart Health

Heart disease occurs due to the high levels of cholesterol (LDL = Low-density lipoprotein) and high blood pressure. This disease was once believed to attack the elderly, but in line with the lifestyle of urban dwellers are busy and often ignore frequent exercise and eating junk food, the disease can affect anyone regardless of age limits. Here are fruits that can help heart health, although we still have to change unhealthy lifestyle on top, because the fruits of this nature help and can not prevent heart disease.

10 Types of Fruit for Heart Health
1. Apples
The content of flavonoids in apples are useful in improving cardiovascular health by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the arteries, lower cholesterol and dilate the arteries.

2. Apricot
Apricots contain vitamin A, C, E and K, as well as fiber and carotenes.

3. Bananas
Bananas contain vitamin B6 and C, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Magnesium and Potassium is useful in lowering blood pressure.

4. Berry (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and boysenberry)
Various berries contain vitamin C, folic acid, fiber and manganese and potassium.

5. Cantaloupe / Melon
Cantaloupe or also known as the melon contains vitamins A, B6, and C, folic acid, fiber and potassium.

6. Oranges
Oranges contain vitamin A, B6, and C, folic acid, potassium and fiber.

7. Pomelo (grapefruit)
Grapefruit contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium and flavonoids. Calcium is also useful to reduce blood pressure.

8. Kiwi
Kiwi fruit contains vitamins C and E, fiber and magnesium. Vitamin E functions as an anti-oxidant which is useful for reducing the level of oxidation of bad cholesterol or LDL.

9. Papaya
Papaya contains vitamin A, C and E, folic acid, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

10. Peaches
Peach contains vitamins C, E and K, fiber and potassium.

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