Impact Using High Heels for Women's Foot Health

Nowadays, high heels become a trend both among the urban and rural. Many of the women who think that by using high heel shoes would make them look taller, more attractive, more confident and more graceful.

However, many of the women who use high heels do not realize that the danger stalking them. Based on the results of research conducted by Griffith University in Queesland, Australia, showed that users of high heels can affect
how to walk, either when they use high heels or when they are not using it. In other findings, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in February 2012 also showed that women who used to wear high heels take shorter steps in walking or running.

After investigation, the woman's leg muscles are used to wearing high heels turns changes, becoming thinner and tense. The impact, the ability to walk and run quickly becomes diminished. In addition to these impacts, the use of high heels can also affect others, such as:

1. Irritation and thickening of the soles of the feet
Irritation and thickening in the soles of the feet can occur due to the use of high heels that are too high and in more than two hours.

2. Clamping toes
This can happen when using a narrow toed high heels. When done in a long time, the toes can be bent or shrink. Clamping toe will cause the blood circulation around the foot becomes smooth, thus affecting the health of the foot.

3. Sprains
One step when wearing high heels can cause foot sprain, especially the area of the ankle. It can happen, because when wearing high heels body balance is less stable, so that the greater the risk of sprains.

4. Muscle spasm
If the blood circulation in the legs substandard, then the risk for muscle spasms or seizures in very large.

5. Pain in the foot
High heels are usually designed with a narrow and pointy tip. It causes pain in the toe. Pain in the feet can also be caused by a blister due to wearing high heels too long.

6. Back pain
Back pain or low back pain can occur due to the use of high heels in a long time. Therefore, the backs must continue to be in an upright position in a long time.

7. The calf muscles stiff
When run, the part that plays a role is the knees, calves and ankles. All parts that work continuously. But the greatest role is the calf muscles are made up of two parts, namely the calf muscles front and back of the calf muscles. But when wearing high heels, not all the muscles to work optimally. As a result, there are parts that work extra hard muscles, while other muscles are less work, so the calf so stiff.

Although high heels have many bad effects to the health of a woman's legs, but many of them are still ignored. However, it would be wise to pay attention to the precision in the use of high heels. Not right also if we always use it in every occasion. Fashionable appearance is important, but do not forget to health.

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