Prevent Osteoporosis Early With Calcium Supplements

For growth and activity of the body, we need calcium. Calcium is a mineral essential for many body functions, including regulation of heart rate, nerve impulses, stimulating hormone secretion and blood clotting, is also required to establish and maintain healthy bones.

Calcium can be found in many foods, and because our bodies can not produce its own calcium, so calcium intake from food and other essential resources. Even after bone growth stops us, we still need adequate amounts of calcium intake because the body always loses calcium every day through the skin, dead skin, nail growth, hair loss and sweating. Addition of calcium is also lost through urine and feces. Calcium is lost must be replaced every day through food. If our food does not contain enough calcium, the body will take it from the 'reserve' of calcium, the bones and teeth. And if this happens in the long run, then you will have porous bones and teeth.

The National Academy of Sciences and the National Osteoporosis Foundation in the United States both men and women recommend adults consume at least 1000-1200 mg supplemental calcium / day. Pregnant and lactating women need even more calcium, which is at least 1500 mg / day. Actually, food is the best source of calcium, eg milk and other dairy products, vegetables, dark green vegetables (especially broccoli), fish, sardines, anchovies, and beans, but most of us do not embrace the right diet, so we need an additional calcium intake from supplements.

In nature, calcium is in the form of compounds. There are several calcium compounds are used in supplements, including calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and calcium citrate. These compounds contain different amount of calcium ions, which is the actual amount of calcium. It is therefore important to read labels and determine how much calcium ions in each grain and how many items should be taken.

Calcium supplements can be purchased without a prescription, and are available in various dosage forms and also the level of strength. Sometimes it could confuse consumers. Many people ask you what you need calcium supplements consumed. Supplements 'best' is the most suited to the needs of users, be it based on the level of tolerance, the ease and convenience way to consume, the price and also the availability in the market.

Calcium can not be absorbed by the body without the help of vitamin D. That's why most calcium supplements combined with vitamin D. However, if you have calcium supplements do not contain vitamin D, then you need additional vitamin D supplements. In addition, bones also need vitamin A, C, magnesium, zinc and protein in sufficient quantities as a bone adhesive.

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