Beware of Sedative Dependence

Sedatives is a depressant belonging to the group of medicines called 'benzodiazepines'. These medications are prescribed by doctors to reduce stress, anxiety, to help people sleep and other medical uses. Usually these drugs in the form of capsules or tablets.

Some people abusing sedatives because the effect is intoxicating.

There are some sedative, especially those purchased in the streets, were made illegally. Means that the ingredients for pills and purity can not be controlled. It is dangerous because it increases the likelihood that the wearer had swallowed the materials that will cause a bad influence.

Sedation for each person is different depending on the size of the dose, body weight, age of a person, how the drug is used and the mood of the wearer.

Whether the direct effect of the use of sedatives?
Relaxation / sense relaxed.
Dizziness and confusion.
Drooling or sputtered.
Blurred vision, and like a shadow.
Short-term memory loss.
Drunken similar to alcohol intoxication.

The use of high doses can result in loss of consciousness or coma.

What are the long-term due to the use of sedatives?
Weight gain.
Hard to sleep.
Greater appetite.
Memory loss.
Hard thinking.
Personality changes.
Sexual disorders.
Menstrual disorders in women.

The use of high doses over time can lead to confusion, lack of coordination, depression and loss of speech.

What physical and psychological dependence can arise? After a few months of use of sedatives. User-dependent psychologically feel that they can not live without sedation. Physical dependence occurs when the body of a wearer to adjust to the sedative.

Traffic accident.
Driving a motor vehicle after drinking sedatives, very dangerous. Sedatives impair judgment and reduce concentration and coordination. More dangerous when ?? Drinking sedatives in conjunction with alcohol or other drugs.

Sedatives used may affect fetal growth and development. Disorders of learning abilities in children can be attributed to the use of sedatives. Sedatives can also be passed from mother to baby through breast milk.

Mixing Drugs.
Wearing a sedative along with other drugs, including alcohol? very dangerous. The influence of drugs is increasing and is likely to give rise to negative influences that can not be predicted, including death.?

Handling problems.
Sedatives "looks" can make the problems disappear. But when the wearer stop taking sedatives, problems still exist and in many cases will only get worse because now users become addicted.

There are many ways to deal with stress and anxiety without taking sedatives.
A healthy diet.
Talking to someone you trust.
Find a hobby / leisure activities.

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