Causes and 5 Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally

Main Causes of Flu or Colds

Influenza (flu) is a type of infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the Orthomyxoviridae family of viruses (influenza virus). Symptoms that typically arise from this disease among which chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pain, headache feels heavy, coughing, weakness / fatigue and general discomfort.

Causes and 5 Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally
5 Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally

Well, once we know what the cause of flu, it's time I share Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally.

1. Expand Drinking Water
Why should drink water? the answer is simple, because water has a myriad of benefits, among others, may also help treat the flu or a cold. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water / day. It aims to keep you clean the throat of germs that can cause colds.

2. Rest
Tired body condition will cause the immune system to weaken and the flu will strike when the body is very weakened immune systems. Therefore, it is advisable for you to perform total rest and stop working for a while, so that your immune system be back as it should.

3. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
When the weakened condition of your body, your body's auto-immune system will be weakened. Thus the intake of vitamins and minerals are needed to help restore the body and helps improve the immune system that are not easily affected by the disease.

4. Shower with Warm Water
When you have the flu, try not to use cold water bath. But always use warm water goal is to keep the body warm.

5. A mixture of Honey and Ginger
Everyone must know honey. In addition to good taste, honey is also rich benefits of which are also useful in overcoming the flu or a cold. Way, take 2 segment ginger, then grate and mix with honey. Then you eat 3 times a day.

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